Sunday, 29 November 2009

Le Grand Voyage

Idul Adha adalah hari raya untuk berkurban.

Tidak hanya berkurban dengan kambing atau sapi saja, tetapi juga mengorbankan segala hal untuk kepentingan yang lebih mulia lagi. Misalnya saja, potret seorang anak dan bapaknya yang mengorbankan semua hal untuk dapat pergi haji ke Mekah. Begitulah potret di dalam film Le Grand Voyage.

Saya belum pernah nonton Le Grand Voyage sebelumnya. Ketika Metro TV menayangkannya semalam, saya sempatkan untuk menonton film Le Grand Voyage. Saya tersentuh sekali. Tersentuh karena banyak pesan moral yang bisa diambil di dalam film ini.

Film Le Grand Voyage mengisahkan bagaimana perjalanan seorang anak dan ayahnya dari Perancis menuju ke Mekah dengan menggunakan mobil tua mereka. Bisa dibayangkan berapa mil yang harus mereka tempuh dalam perjalanan mereka. Mulai dari Italia, Slovenia, Kroasia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turki, Suriah, Yordania, hingga Arab Saudi. Reda (diperankan oleh Nicolas Cazale) adalah seorang remaja yang tidak mengetahui banyak tentang Islam dibandingkan ayahnya. Reda sudah terkontaminasi oleh budaya barat sehingga ia tidak pernah melakukan salat dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Berbeda dengan ayahnya (diperankan oleh Mohamed Majd), yang justru memegang teguh agama Islam.

Perjalanan dimulai ketika ayah Reda meminta Reda untuk mengantarkannya ke Mekkah dengan menggunakan mobil butut. Reda sempat bertanya dengan ayahnya, "Mengapa kita tidak naik pesawat saja?". Ayahnya pun menjawab, "Air laut baru akan kehilangan rasa pahitnya setelah ia menguap ke langit, begitulah air laut menemui kemurniannya. Ia harus mengangkasa melewati awan. Inilah mengapa lebih baik naik haji berjalan kaki ketimbang naik kuda. Lebih baik naik kuda ketimbang naik mobil. Lebih baik naik mobil ketimbang naik perahu. Lebih baik naik perahu ketimbang naik pesawat terbang". Artinya, semakin kita merasakan betapa sulitnya perjalanan ini, maka semakin mudah kita menemukan kemurnian jiwa kita sendiri. Bijak dan indah.

Selama perjalanan, mereka menemui banyak orang dengan karakter yang berbeda-beda. Awal mulanya mereka bertemu dengan wanita tua yang ingin menumpang di dalam mobil untuk ikut hingga suatu tempat. Namun, keperawakan dan penampilan wanita tua membuat Reda dan ayahnya sedikit ketakutan. Sehingga, mereka memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah kamar hotel untuk wanita tua tersebut. Mereka pun melanjutkan perjalanan tanpanya.

Setelah Reda dan ayahnya melepas wanita tua itu, kejadian buruk pun datang bertubi-tubi. Mulai dari mobil yang tertimpa salju, ayah sakit kemudian dirawat di rumah sakit, masalah paspor, dan ditipu oleh saudagar yang bernama Mustafa. Ada satu bagian yang saya suka. Ketika ayahnya mengetahui bahwa Mustafa telah mencuri sebagian uang miliknya, ia pun memarahi Reda sambil berkata, "Kamu bisa membaca dan menulis tetapi kamu tidak tahu apa-apa tentang hidup". Ya, hidup memang tidak demikian mudah. Saat kita mengenal beberapa orang di luar sana, kita harus bisa membedakan siapa yang baik dan siapa yang buruk. Kita tidak hanya cukup membutuhkan satu atau dua hari saja untuk mengenal seseorang, melainkan berhari-hari.

Kemudian mereka pun melanjutkan perjalanan. Sesampainya di Suriah, ketika sang ayah hendak mengambil air, datanglah seorang pengemis. Walaupun uang mereka sudah tidak sedikit lagi, tetapi sang ayah tetap memberikan uang kepada pengemis tersebut. Melihat apa yang dilakukan sang ayah, Reda pun marah. Reda marah karena sikap ayahnya yang tidak bisa mengabaikan kesulitan yang dialami orang lain dan selalu menolong terhadap sesama. Saya juga jatuh cinta dengan adegan ini.

Saya sangat suka film yang disutradarai Ismael Feroukhi secara keseluruhan. Terlalu banyak pelajaran berharga yang bisa diambil dari film ini, sehingga saya tidak bisa menceritakannya satu per satu di sini. Saya hanya merekomendasikan kalian untuk menonton film Le Grand Voyage. Film ini mengajarkan bagaimana kita menolong terhadap sesama, bagaimana kita saling memaafkan, bagaimana kita sebaiknya berusaha dahulu untuk mendapatkan sesuatu, bagaimana kita hidup dalam kesederhanaan, dan bagaimana kita selalu ingat kepada Allah SWT.

selamat hari raya Idul Adha!

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Froyo - frozen yoghurt

It's already weekend on the last day of october, it means we're gonna say goodbye to october, then we'll be starting to do our real activites on november.. time runs so fast, doesn't it? We don't mind how time runs so fast, at least, when weekend already comes, we'd better relax, go out, do shopping, do something fun, or perhaps eat any new dishes, foods, and desserts.

If you don't want to spend much money by shopping or seeing movie at the cinema, you should have try frozen yoghurt (or froyo) as your dessert after having lunch. I suggest you to eat this dessert in the evening while you do chatting and gossiping with your friends. Well, who doesn't love to consume frozen yoghurt or froyo? of course, whoever you are, you'll be falling in love with this dish as your favourite dessert to eat together with your friends, colleagues, and your siblings.

left to right: wiwid, me, and hanum are ravenous to eat a big cup of sour sally at Pejaten Village

Froyo is made from yoghurt, so the taste of froyo is very sour. Even though this dessert consists of milk, but you don't have to worry about the ingredients of fat in a small/medium/big cup of froyo, since the fat is low enough.

If you don't like its taste which is sour, at Sour Sally, for example you may add any ice cubes and milk below the yoghurt. Perhaps, when you choose the topping, you need to combine the topping between fruit and dry topping, it's better to make your froyo much more sweetly not sour. Trust me, if you don't like the taste of an original froyo, you'd better go to J-Co's stand at Mall near from your house, and then buy a single/couple/sharing cup of J-cool, you'll see the difference between an original froyo at Sour Sally and a cup of froyo at J-cool. The taste of froyo at J-cool is not as sour as an original froyo at Sour Sally, i recommend J-cool for anyone who doesn't like much sour.

According to the fact in any magazines or newspaper, having froyo as dessert is becoming a new example of life style which everyone loves to consume this dessert in their daily life. Come on, try froyo as newly dessert in your daily life, it makes your mind health and fresh in the weekend! Have a nice weekend everyone!:)

Sunday, 4 October 2009

an earthquake & batik as the national symbol on october

hey, it's already on october! i always love to spend day-to-day on this month, maybe because of a lot of people are going to celebrate their birthday on october, they're my dad, my sister, hanum, my uncle, my cousins, and other my beloved people around me. I hope everything will be fine on this month, amien! I hope Allah wouldn't give any problems or accidents or bad news, i hope so..

but, I was shocked when I saw a tweet from Kompas which delivers a bad news about a 7.6-magnitude earthquake rocked in Sumatera Barat on last wednesday. Then, on thursday morning, i was sad because another earthquake just happened in Jambi. I can't imagine how many people are died and buried in there. I can't imagine how the way they can survive from all these. Ya Allah, You're the greatest thing in this world, You're the only one who knows what's going on today and tomorrow, please keep save all the citizens of Sumbar and Jambi. Please, give them all a powerfull strength and lots of patience to face all the problems they had...

This photo was taken from Kompas

Let's talk about another good news from Indonesia! On October 2rd, Batik was officially designated by UNESCO as cultural heritage from Indonesia. And, the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, had asked to all our citizens to wear batik on that day. I love that day! I love wearing batik so much! I'm proud of batik as the most unique cultural heritage in the world. Sometimes I find some people who don't like to wear batik as their daily clothes. They think batik can't be dressed into casually. Hey guys, batik doesn't have to be designed formally, it can be dressed casually for any situations. They don't respect to our culture indeed, they don't proud of our nation and batik. Nevertheless, I was really happy to see many people (at mall, campus, and office) wore batik on last friday!!

This photo also was taken from Kompas , they are so cute in wearing batik, aren't they?

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Happy ied mubarak 1430 H

Idul fitri is the only one moment that I always wait to celebrate with my family in every year..
Idul fitri is the greatest day to gather with all my family members..
Idul fitri is the best moment to forgive and being forgiven..
Idul fitri is the greatest time to refresh our mind and heart from wickness..
Idul fitri is the most beautiful moment to go back and start living from zero..
Idul fitri is the most beautiful moment to end our fasting in Ramadhan..
really, lebaran is the most beautiful moment indeed..

well, i know it's too late to say.. Before we're going back to our routines on Monday, let me say:

"HAPPY IED MUBARAK 1430 H. I wish we had a wonderful time in ied's day this year. I wish we had a very great time to celebrate this special day with all of our family members in everywhere. I wish our fasting, our prayer, and our wishes (during Ramadhan) could be received by Allah SWT, amien ya Allah. Thanks for making a very beautiful moment in our life, ya Allah.."


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Dua Puluh Dua

Halo semuanya! It's been a long time i've never updated my own blog, it's been almost 2months actually! tapi, ya udahlah terlalu banyak peristiwa yang terjadi dalam kehidupan saya hingga kemudian saya tidak terpikir (baca: malas) untuk menguraikannya di jurnal harian maya ini. Mulai dari peristiwa meninggalnya mbah surip, bom di jakarta, penggerebekkan teroris, gempa bumi, hasil keputusan KPU, tujuh belasan, dan bahkan film-film yang (sesungguhnya) harus di-review oleh saya. Salah satu peristiwa yang telah terlewatkan untuk diulas kembali adalah ulang tahun saya yang sudah sangat cukup berumur bagi seorang perempuan yang akan menjadi wanita.

Dua puluh dua.

Tiga tahun lagi (insya Allah) akan menjadi dua puluh lima.

Awal mulanya saya agak sedikit berat dengan memasuki umur dua puluh dua. Lantaran, dua puluh dua bukan angka nominal yang kecil lagi. Melainkan angka yang sudah termasuk kategori tingkat dua puluhan.

Risau. Takut. Gelisah. Tiga kata yang barusan saya ketik sangat pas untuk menggambarkan perasaan ketika saya sadar telah berumur dua puluh dua tahun.

Saya risau karena saya masih belum bisa membahagiakan kedua orang tua secara lahiriah, batiniah, dan (tentunya finansial). Klise, memang. Saya tahu semua orang pasti ingin sekali membahagiakan kedua orang tuanya. Tapi, saya merasa sedih. Sangat sedih. Sangat berat. Terlebih dengan latar belakang kedua orang tua saya. Saya merasa malu. Malu sekali di hadapan orang tua saya. Apalah artinya saya di hadapan ibu dan ayah. Saya merasa kecil dan tidak berarti bagi mereka.

Ibu dan ayah adalah sosok yang terlalu hebat bagi saya. Terlalu banyak orang yang membanggakan betapa hebatnya ibu dan ayah. Terlalu banyak orang yang mengagumi ibu dan ayah. Terlalu banyak orang yang mengakui kesempurnaan antara keduanya. Terlalu banyak orang yang mengangkat topi mereka untuk kedua orang tua saya.

Bukannya saya sombong. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk menyombongkan diri sendiri. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk membusungkan dada. Sama sekali tidak ada maksud. Sejujurnya, saya justru sangat keberatan. Anda boleh mengira bahwa saya sangat tidak bersyukur kepada Allah. Tapi, maaf perkiraan anda salah besar. Saya selalu mengucapkan syukur kepada-Nya atas apa karunia Allah kepada kehidupan saya.

Saya hanya merasa kerdil. Saya bahkan tidak tahu apa yang bisa dibanggakan dari saya. Anda boleh bilang bahwa saya tidak percaya diri. Maaf, tapi anda salah. Saya pun masih percaya diri dengan kemampuan saya baik secara akademik maupun nonakademik.

Ibu.. maaf. Saya belum bisa membahagiakanmu sampai detik ini. Ayah.. maaf. Saya belum bisa membantu perekonomian keluarga. Apalah arti pekerjaan ajar-mengajar. Hasilnya pun tak cukup untuk membuktikan bahwa saya bisa memperkokoh keadaan finansial kita. Walau begitu, saya sangat bersyukur karena saya masih diberi pekerjaan oleh Allah dan diberi kesempatan untuk berbagi ilmu kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Tapi, saya sudah memohon kepada Allah agar saya diijinkan dan diberi kesempatan untuk membahagiakan kalian hingga ajal memisahkan kita. Allah pasti mengabulkan, saya tahu pasti soal itu.

Saya takut karna saya sudah dua puluh dua tahun hidup di dunia ini. Entah berapa banyak waktu lagi yang diberikan Allah kepada saya untuk beramal di dunia.

-ayah dan ibu-

Saturday, 4 July 2009

A post-tag about : Triplet Answers

Gud nite bloggers! I've got a post-tag from Sarah and Ajeng some weeks ago by using facebook actually. But I prefer doing this homework in my own blog than facebook. Here are the rules..

What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun...
Create a new post, copy and paste this post, delete my answers and type in yours.
Then tag 21 good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you.
The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.

1. Ayu (it's commonly used by the people around me)
2. Santi (some of my old friends call me by using the middle of my name)
3. Kakak (it's only used for my family)

1. College student (but, i've just graduated from college since a month ago)
2. Reporter (last year)
3. Unfortunately, i'm being a jobless now, i'm still trying to get the most suitable place for work!

1. Bandung
2. Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat
3. Jakarta, Bekasi

1. News programme
2. Oprah Winfrey Show
3. other TV programmes

1. Prague!!
2. United States of America
3. Aceh and the last city I want to go is Papua

1. Ayam Bakar Taliwang
2. Pelecing Kangkung
3. Sate Ayam

1. get a job as reporter (again!)
2. get a higher score on my TOEFL (i'll be having a test on august, wish me luck!)
3. take a driving lesson

1. i don't know.. :(

1. Muse, maroon 5, coldplay
2. Rihanna, natalie imbruglia, nelly furtado, Lenka, and kelly clarkson
3. Jason Mraz, James Morrison (sorry, i've mentioned more than three bands or singers,hehe)

1. Badminton
2. Football
3. -

1. Mineral Water
2. Chocolate Milk
3. -

Then, I'm tagging this post to Nifa, Tyka, Fajrin, Danisha, and Mustika , happy tagging and happy blogging all!

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Hate that I love you

Hey, everyone! It's already on July! yeay, i'm so glad to welcome this month!

But, i'm missing my boy out there, really, i'm missing him now. Have I told you before about my ex-boyfriend?
He was my classmate in campus, He's also my best friend in campus, even though our relationship has already broken up, but, we're still having a good relationship and friendship until now. We're still connect each other, everyday, everyweek, and everymonth. Lately, i feel i don't want to let him go from my life, so does he.

It seems to be very hard to get him off.
It seems to be very hard for us to have someone new.
It seems to be very hard to have a new relationship with another people.

He's still finishing his thesis, fyi, he's trying to keep focus on thesis until this month. I haven't met him since three weeks ago, he told me that he wanted to finish his last assigment, then we could spend much time together. I hope he's doing okay with his thesis, I hope he could finish his thesis in this month, so he would have the judgement day immediately, and I hope he'll text me again for giving me a good news. Yaa, I can't wait to hear another good news from him, because i'm missing him already and I hate that I love him so. You know, like a part of lyric from Rihanna and Neyo..

And I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so (Hate that I love you)

Or maybe like the lyric from Jason Mraz featuring Colbie which is titled "Lucky".. Indeed, our friendship becomes a good relationship..

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

I feel so lucky that I'm in love with my best friend, yup, my best friend is my boyfriend!

Sunday, 28 June 2009

in the last week of June

It's already in the last week of June, three more days it will be on July. I hope I could be so lucky in July, amien. Because, I've to prove for unanswered question (immediately) which makes me getting worse during this month. Yaa, I've to prove to the world that I can get a job. Am I worrying too much? I think I'm not. Am I hoping too much? I think I'm not. I feel so weak when I know some of my college's friends has got a job. I had tried to become a realistic person, not perfectionist. I'm still trying to be optimistic to get my unanswered question. Hopefully, Allah SWT will give the best way to make my parents proud of me. amien.

Talking about how the way to make our parents proud of us, my younger sister has just made them proud of her by being the freshman in communication of Padjajaran University (UNPAD). I was very happy to hear that news. Before she is accepted in communication of UNPAD, she has already failed to get architecture of IPB and graphic design of ITB. Nevertheless, she never stops praying to Allah for the best choice university. Then, the dream comes, she has been officially accepted in UNPAD, congratulation sis! you did it!

In the last week of June, we heard a bad news that Michael Jackson has died in the age of 50. He's kinda a great man and the best singer of pop. Eveybody loves him, who doesn't love him? Who doesn't know him? I think everybody knows him as the best king of pop. I know him even if I don't know all his songs. "Heal the world" is one of the greatest song from him. I love the lyric in that song. The lyric tells about how to respect with the people and the living in this world. I hope God will do the rest for him, amien. All of us will be missing you, jacko! You will never be forgotten! We must be proud of you, jacko! You're the only one singer who sings a great lyric like this lyric below..

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place
For you and for me

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

My prayer

My age turns to be older in this year..

I have to be maturer and wiser woman..

I don't have any big wishes for my life.. really.

The only one thing I pray is : "I can make my family proud of me, I can get success to make my family happy with me, I have to be a strong woman for my beloved sister, I can make my sister happy and proud of me.."

Ya Allah, life is getting harder than before, tomorrow is getting harder than yesterday, help me to get through all the exams that You already gave to me everyday, amien.

That's my prayer. Gud nite, everyone!

Monday, 15 June 2009

I adore Lenka

When I was watching TV, I caught a video clip from Lenka. Lenka is a new Australian artist. I listened to her song and it's very easy listening, because it's a pop-electric music, I love this music recently. I was enjoy to see her video clip, it's very unique. She's so amazing, stylish, and cute! she has her own unique style, and different to other female singer. But, she reminds me about Frente. Frente has the same genre with Lenka, doesn't she? By the way, I want to recommend you to listen her single which is titled as : "The Show". I suggest you to buy her album. Hihi, Here you go..

"The Show"

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze, and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but I don't know why

Slow it down, make it stop

Or else my heart is going to pop

'Cause its to much, yeah its a lot

To be something I'm not
I'm a fool, out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go

Can't do it alone

I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment

I'm so scared but I don't show it

I can't figure it out

It's bringing me down
I know,
I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot in the sky

Just like a giant spot light

The people follow the signs

And synchronize in time

It's a joke, nobody knows

They've got a ticket to the

Yeah, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze, and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

Can't do it alone

I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it

I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down
I know,
I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Life is a maze, and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go

Can't do it alone

I've tried, but I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment

I'm so scared but I don't show it

I can't figure it out

It's bringing me down
I know,
I've got to let it go

And just enjoy the show

Just enjoy the show

dum de dum, da dum de dum

And just enjoy the show

da dum de dum, da dum de dum

And just enjoy the show

I want my money back (3x)

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back(x3)

Just enjoy the show

I think this lyric is great to understand that we should enjoy the show in our life, because life is a maze. Life is about how the way we enjoy all the show.

After my graduation day

Gutten morgen, everyone! I hope you all would have a great week which starts from today, yeah, you may say: "I love Monday!". Because, when you say that you love Monday, it'll be so fun to cheer your day up.

It's been more than three weeks that I never share and write any things in my own blog. I don't have any special stories to share with, even if I feel my life is colourful and full of special things indeed (let me say that I'm lazy to think and write, LOL).

Since I was graduated from college, I'm still applying for a job, going for an interview, having an english course, and praying to Allah SWT for all the best things. Not hectic, not busy, just a simple schedule to fulfil my days. My graduation day was not a kind one. The most important thing in my graduation day is my family. I was very happy to give the best gift to my family, that's all.

My father said: "This is your first step into the real world, you have to be strong to face, to struggle, and to prove that you're gonna be the number one in your family". It's so simple to hear what my father said three weeks ago, isn't it?

Well, i'll be having an interview (again) tomorrow. I was called from another magazine last week, so I wish that I could start for work in the end of this month (amien!).

To all my friends who has just graduated:
"Congratulations guys! Life has just begun. I wish that we could get success, amien".

Friday, 22 May 2009

Mama adalah hadiah terindah

Saya sedang rindu dengan mama. Sedari dulu, mama dan papa selalu mendapatkan tugas penelitian di luar kota. Tetapi, saya dan adik saya sudah terbiasa ditinggalkan sejak waktu kecil oleh mereka untuk dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Namun, kali ini berbeda.

Mengapa saya bilang berbeda? Sebab, semalam saya mendapat kabar bahwa salah seorang tetangga deket rumah telah meninggal dunia, beliau adalah Ibu Didi. Ketika jenazah Ibu Didi tiba di kediamannya, saya melihat anak bungsunya, Nur, sedang menangis terisak-isak dan hampir pingsan. Saya sedih sekali melihat kejadian semalam. Nur tentunya sangat terpukul dengan kepergiaan sosok ibu yang telah merawatnya sejak lahir. Ibu Didi adalah sosok ibu yang sangat baik dan perhatian untuk anak-anaknya, begitu juga dengan keempat anaknya, termasuk Nur. Saya berdoa semoga amal ibadah Ibu Didi diterima oleh Allah SWT dan mendapatkan tempat terbaik disisi-Nya. Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan, kekuatan, dan kesabaran yang luar biasa untuk menghadapinya. Amien..

Kemudian, saya teringat wajah mama. Sejak semalam saya memikirkan mama yang sedang penelitian di Surabaya. Saya kangen. Rindu. Saya tidak mau kehilangan beliau. Walaupun, saya tahu bahwa suatu saat nanti saya harus siap jika Allah SWT memanggil orang yang teramat saya cintai.

Bagi saya dan keluarga, mama merupakan sosok yang selalu bisa melakukan apa saja tanpa pernah menyerah atau putus asa. Mama selalu bisa diandalkan pada setiap detik, menit, jam, hari, dan bahkan rela tak tidur untuk menemani anak-anak serta papa yang sedang sakit. Mama, cepat pulang ya, anakmu ini akan wisuda pada hari rabu nanti.

"Ya Allah, keluarga adalah hadiah terindah di dalam hidupku, termasuk Mama. Terima kasih atas hadiah terindah yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku"

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

It's been almost for two years

Judul postingan kali ini memang sama persis dengan status update di akun facebook saya pada beberapa hari yang lalu. Saya tidak memikirkan dan mengatakan : "betapa sedihnya saya sebagai jomblo selama dua tahun". Absolutely NOT! Predikat jomblo pernah dipegang oleh saya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 3 tahun, so, it doesn't seem to be hard to face and let this life moves as usual. Sejujurnya, saya cuma merasa membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa dijadikan partner, kakak, sahabat, dan musuh saya dalam berargumen. I need someone to discuss everything in every way, I need someone to give all his thought for me, I need someone to debate everything from any different point of views, I need someone to give the best comfortable hug, I need someone to cheer me up in everyday. Am i normal? I think I'm normal, hey, everywomen absolutely needs a boy/man/husband to support each of those life, dosen't it? For a while, I thought that I'm worrying too much because of my age turns to be older in every year. But, I'm not hoping too much. It sounds silly, doesn't it? Yeaa, I have been a single for almost two years.. Ok, I have to wait someone out there to become my shoulder in the whole life.

note: semoga tulisan ini tidak terlihat cengeng

Thursday, 9 April 2009

the election day

hey, guys! today is very important for us to make a difference by voting the candidates from each parties.. Ya, the election day comes on April, 9. Come on guys, don't be a GOLPUT, because it won't make any changes to the continuity of our election and democracy in this country! Even though, this post is unable to update about the election, well, i just want to make sure all of you that you already voted the best canditate. Have you voted today? Or do you have any difficulties to choose who is a better one? If you find any difficulties, at least, you'll make the difference by voting the party or the candidate!

This photo is taken by my sister, fanny. She took my little finger by using our nikon DSLR camera when I already voted this morning. I always love her ideas, drawing, photo, and her editing. Good job sis! Love you always! :)

note: hopefully, all of you used your right to vote and make any differences to our country! Oya, don't forget to visit my sister's blog, hehe

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Postingan ini masih berhubungan sama postingan saya sebelumnya. Jadi, silahkan dibaca dulu cerita saya kemarin.

Setelah pulang dari kampus pada hari selasa kemarin, saya pun berencana untuk janjian ketemu sama sahabat saya, dian. Seperti biasanya, sebelum kita masuk kelas bahasa inggris, kita janjian untuk makan dan curhat sambil menunggu waktu les tiba.

Tapi, tiba-tiba aja gitu dian membatalkan rencana kita, karena sahabat saya itu terlanjur dijemput pacarnya. Saya mengalah saja, mungkin pacarnya lagi membutuhkan dia ketimbang saya. Selanjutnya, saya melanjutkan untuk membuka facebook di rumah sembari menunggu datangnya waktu adzan maghrib.

Ketika saya mengaktifkan facebook, saya melihat status update dari rekan-rekan kuliah yang isinya memberitahu bahwa mereka sudah mengetahui jadwal sidang skripsi masing-masing. Kata mereka, jadwal sidang skripsi sudah ditempel di depan sekretaris FISIP blok I lantai 3.

Lantas, saya berpikir sejenak: "Saya tadi habis dari kampus, belum ada jadwal apa pun sama sekali, bahkan saya sempat mondar-mandir sampai siang dan menanyakan ke petugas sekretariat FISIP yang saya kenal tentang jadwal sidang skripsi. Salah satu petugas sekretariat pun memang mengiyakan jika jadwal sidang belumlah dipasang."

Oke, apabila jadwal baru diumumkan selasa sore, itu artinya saya harus ke kampus besok (baca: hari rabu ini).

Kemudian, saya memutuskan untuk bersiap-siap melakukan rutintas berikutnya, yaitu les bahasa inggris sampai malam nanti.

Ternyata... setelah saya siap untuk melangkahkan kaki ke luar rumah selepas waktu maghrib, kedua kaki saya kaku, kram, dan sama sekali tidak bisa digerakkan. Saya hanya bisa berteriak dan meminta pertolongan dari orang-orang seisi rumah.

Jujur, saya benar-benar bingung sama keadaan saya tadi malam. Kenapa? Koq bisa? Padahal, alhamdulilah saya dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat seharian kemarin.

Anehnya, kedua kaki saya sempat tidak bisa dipakai jalan, ya.. kedua kaki saya mulai jari kaki hingga betis sungguh tidak bisa bergerak, bahkan jari-jari pada kedua kaki mulai kram secara bersamaan dalam waktu yang sama. Saya cuma bisa menangis dan berteriak sejadi-jadinya. Hingga akhirnya, sejak semalam hingga siang ini, saya masih dipijat dan disembuhkan oleh seorang tukang urut.

Entahlah. Kenapa semua terjadi? Saya juga gak tahu, mungkin saya harus lebih berhati-hati dalam melangkah ke depan, ke belakang, ke kiri, ke kanan, dan ke berbagai arah.

Hari ini saya tidak jadi melihat jadwal sidang skripsi di kampus, sebab orang tua saya menyarankan agar kedua kaki saya diurut lagi sampai benar-benar sembuh dan normal. Maka, sejak tadi pagi hingga siang jam 12 ini, saya hanya bisa pasrah di bawah tangan sang tukang urut! Sakit sekali rasanya, meskipun saya tetap memaksakan untuk berbagi cerita melalui blog, huehehehehehe.

Namun, saya senang sekali karena sahabat-sahabat saya di kampus mau melihat dan mencatat kapan jadwal sidang skripsi saya. Thx yaaa semuanya! Alhasil, jadwal sidang skripsi saya (bismillah..) :

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 6 April 2009
Waktu : pukul 15.00 s/d WIB

Semoga Allah SWT benar-benar meridhoi sidang skripsi saya dan memberikan kondisi fisik yang maksimal. Jujur, saya sekarang hanya bisa pasrah, semuanya saya serahkan sama Allah SWT. Saya gak berharap apa-apa, hanya berharap agar saya diberikan kesehatan yang cukup hingga hari sidang nanti. Doakan saya sehat wal'afiat selalu ya kawan!

note: Makasih buat semua teman-teman yang sudah memberikan saya semangat melalui sms, telepon, dan bahkan update status di facebook. Ya, saya harus lebih menjalankan hidup ini dengan ikhlas dan sabar! :)

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

a very short post

Good afternoon all!

For the first time, I created a new post at warnet (warung internet) which is near from my campus. Yeay, I decided to go to campus this morning, even though I feel so bored today. I told to my parents about my feeling isn't good at all.

My parents reminded me their advice: "if your feeling isn't good as usual, you might be staying at home today".

then, their advice comes true! I'm feeling so bored and dilemma now! I'm supposed to be staying at home today! It's unbelievable!

Ok, let me review my schedule today:

I should meet my lecturer to show off all my presentation this morning. Since my lecturer said that I must give the best performance in the judgement day, so I want him to check all the presentation that I did.

After I met my lecturer, I sent sms to one of my friends at campus. Ya, she borrowed my book since some weeks ago. Last night, I planned to take the book from her, however that book is very important for me to read much about methodology research. Now, I'm waiting her for almost three hours at warnet!!

ugh.. I hate waiting!

Suddenly, I just remembered that there is a seminar which talks about the election in 2009 this afternoon. My friend wanted me to attend the discussion. But, I've already cancelled to come to politic discussion at campus, because I have to meet her and take the book. Fyi, I really need that book, so I decided to wait her for giving back to me! :(

I'm regreting all the things happened today. I'm still wondering that I would be a participant in that politic discussion. I'm also wondering that I would be staying at home like my parents' advice.

This evening, I'll having an early dinner with my best friend, dian, we'll be chatting a lot, and next, I'll be attending the class in my english course. Hopefully, everything will be fine..

note: if you want to go out, don't forget to pray to God.. :)

Monday, 30 March 2009


Akhir-akhir ini saya memang jarang keluar rumah (baca: jalan-jalan dengan sahabat-sahabat). Bukan karena saya malas, tetapi saya sempat sakit selama beberapa hari, kemudian disibukkan dengan urusan skripsi, dan juga alasan terakhir, yaitu keluarga.

Jadinya, hampir setiap hari saya bercengkerama dengan teman-teman di luar sana melalui facebook. Honestly, I really miss all my best friends in campus. I know, time has changed, and the situation also changed. At this time, all of my friends are having busy days with their work and their thesis. It means that we can't meet each other and we only communicate by phone/sms/facebook. The problem is: I really miss all my best friends in campus!

Ugh.. Saya benar-benar sedang berada di dalam situasi yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian. Maksud saya, saat di mana saya sedang menunggu sidang skripsi, tetapi saya juga tidak memiliki pekerjaan (baca: belum dapat ijazah). Ya, saya memang cuma bisa belajar dan menyiapkan presentasi untuk sidang skripsi - yang katanya - akan digelar minggu depan. Sembari belajar dan menyiapkan presentasi, saya juga tetap membuka account saya di facebook hampir setiap hari. The truth is: I'm totally desperate with this situation.

Hingga akhirnya, ketika saya sedang melakukan rutinitas browsing (baca: buka facebook), saya menemukan 1 friend request. Setelah saya buka, hm.. ternyata salah satu teman lama saat masa-masa SMA. He isn't one of my high school mates. His name is Edwin. I met him since we were classmates in english course. It has been almost 5 years we haven't met! Since then, he posted something in my wall and so did I. Sometimes, we chat together by facebook. It is caused by the long distance between us. Fyi, he is studying in UPN Yogyakarta now. The fact is: I'm suddenly missing him!

Well, he isn't my boyfriend, hehe, hm.. I ever crushed with him when we were taking english course in senior high and so did he. Yup, we already knew our feelings each other, but, we haven't changed this friendship into relationship, because of the very long distance between us. We only communicate by phone and facebook until now, owh..poor me! I'm so damn miss that guy! :)

note: if you miss someone out there, you only need to say that you miss him/her already! ;)

Awards (AGAIN!)

All these AWARDS below are from neno, sarah, mustika, and fajrin , thanks guys! I'm really appreciate with the awards that you already gave to me! :)

First award..(from sarah and neno)


The Rules:
* Put the logo in your post.
* Write 5 things you are passionate about aside from blogging.
* Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.

Thanks to neno, because she's already gave me some awards about one month ago. Ok, I'll mention 5 things that I'm passionate about aside from blogging. All the things are..

1. Watching movies in the cinema or some DVDs at home with my sister and friends.
2. Eating! If I'm getting stressful, I should eat any foods, chocolates, or fruits, even if this hobby makes me fatter than before! ;)
3. Being a journalist, haha, yea.. i think if you enjoy being a journalist, you'll be passionately reporting any news, LOL
4. Studying, huehehehe.
5. and hanging out with my friends to the mall or restaurant.

Second award..(from sarah and neno)

The rules are:
  • The blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
  • The blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
  • There is a clear purpose at the blog; one that fosters a better understanding on social, political, economic, the arts, culture, sciences and beliefs.
  • The blog is refreshing and creative.
  • The blogger promotes friendship and positivie thinking.

Neno's award..(this one is created by neno, how cute!) ;)

The aims of this award:
  • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
  • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
Here are the rules:
  • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
  • Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
  • Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
  • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
  • Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
I've got this award from sarah, mustika, and neno.

The main and simple reason why I love blogging is:
I love writing so much. then, I love sharing any ideas or any thoughts to anyone. ;)

Vespa Blogger Friendship (from fajrin)
Here are the rules:
  • Take your award.
  • Put the logo on your blog.
  • Add a link to the person who awarded you.
  • Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
  • Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

Fiuh.. saya telah mendapatkan banyak award selama sebulan ini. Jadi, giliran saya untuk memberikan keempat award kepada kawan-kawan saya di bawah ini:

(silahkan diambil awardnya guys!)

dan siapa pun yang ingin mendapatkan award, silahkan diambil !

selamat atas penghargaan award-nya kawan! HAPPY BLOGGING ALL! :)

Terima Kasih

Hello all!

It has been almost two months that I never update my blog since I was kinda busy to finish my thesis, then it's finally done! Alhamdulilah.. terima kasih ya Allah. While I was waiting the judgement day, I was still preparing for the presentation and praying to Allah SWT. I'm wishing everything is worthed, ya Allah.

Karena terbatasnya halaman kata pengantar di dalam skripsi, jadi, saya mutusin buat ngucapin rasa terima kasih melalui blog dan note di facebook untuk semua teman-teman yang telah ngebantuin saya, ngecengin saya, berantem ma saya, nolongin saya, dan sering ngasih nasehat ke saya selama kurang lebih hampir 4 tahun di Unas. Hehehehe

Hmm.. banyak banget kejadian, peristiwa, cerita, dan hal-hal seru mulai dari yang baik sampai yang buruk di Unas. Hmm.. terlalu banyak waktu yang saya lewati bersama kawan-kawan di Unas, dan semua cerita atau kejadian tentu sangat berarti bagi saya dalam menjalani hidup (halah, bahasanya..hihi).

To the point aja ye?Intinya, saya mau ngucapin terima kasih buat semua teman-teman yang udah baik sama saya. Sebab, kalian semua banyak memberikan inspirasi buat saya!

Selain keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat saya sejak SMA, Terima kasih buat:

1) teman-teman jurusan ilmu komunikasi angkatan 2005, khususnya program studi, Jurnalistik 2005! wuidih, kalian emang keren banget! solidaritasnya tinggi banget! saya gak akan pernah lupa saat kunjungan ke majalah Aneka Yess, kalian malah lebih memilih naik sebuah bis metro mini, padahal jumlah kita melebihi kapasitas metro mininya, huahaha, THX BGT saya semua udah rela panas2an dan keringet2an! Unfortunately, I wasn't taking any pictures when we went there by metro mini. :'(

2) buat UKM Wretta Aksa (UKM Fotografi dan Jurnalistik) tercinta, khususnya angkatan 3, Makasih banget udah ngasih banyak pelajaran ke saya dalam kurun waktu hampir 4 tahun ini. Di Wretta Aksa, saya bisa menerima dan mempelajari baik perbedaan maupun permasalahan yang saya hadapi. Mulai dari jadi AM, bikin pameran AM, kemudian jadi AP, terus buat pameran bersama, hingga akhirnya muster (musyawarah tertinggi). Tapi yang paling penting, saya menemukan arti penting sahabat dari dua orang, walaupun saya tahu bahwa saya sendiri terkadang susah dalam memahami arti persahabatan. Terima kasih!

3) kepada teman-teman Himakom periode 2007/2008 , terima kasih karena saya juga belajar menerima kritikan dan saran dari semua anggota dalam membantu kepengurusan saat itu. Satu hal yang bisa saya pelajari dari Himakom ketika masa2 akhir kepengurusan, hmm.. banyak banget hal2 yang bisa saya jadikan pelajaran hidup untuk bertahan di dalam sebuah situasi apa pun. Thx ya semuanya!

4) kepada teman-teman kuliah lainnya mulai dari semester 1 sampe semester akhir ini yang saya gak bisa nyebutin namanya satu per satu, karena, saya cuma bisa nge-tag kalian semua di dalam note facebook, makasih udah ngajarin saya banyak hal yang mungkin belum tentu saya temuin di luar sana.

Sekali lagi, makasih banyak atas semuanya. Walaupun saya dan kalian akan menghadapi sidang skripsi, tapi bukan berarti ini semua akhir dari kesuksesan, justru momen ini merupakan awal untuk menggapai dan mencari kesuksesan bagi diri kita masing-masing.

Semoga kalian semua sukses di bidangnya masing-masing sesuai dengan kehendak Allah SWT! AMIEN!

Selamat berjuang , Kawan!


Sebagian anak-anak Ilmu Komunikasi, khususnya Jurnalistik 2005, wish u all get a success guys!

Dua foto di atas: hanum, aulia, dan saya. They're all my besties in campus, love both of them!

Foto ketiga ini: sebagian besar anak-anak UKM Wretta Aksa, keep all your work guys!

Himakom periode 2007/2008, K. A. N. G. E. N

note: kawan, doakan saya yaa. Jika tidak ada halangan, hasil penelitian yang ada di dalam skripsi akan diterbitkan (insya Allah) menjadi buku, walaupun saya masih belum tahu kapan tiba waktunya. Hehehe, Mohon doa restunya, semoga apa yang saya cita-citakan dapat diwujudkan oleh Allah SWT! amien!

Thursday, 19 March 2009


1. This is the award..


Thanks for giving me an award, neno!

Here are the rules:

1. Put this award on your blog(s).
2. Put your very or the most aib photo with no editing of course.
3. Give this award to people you know (at least 2)

2. This is one of my "aib" picture with my lovely sister, because, I'm not good enough in that photo, hehe

3. ok, I'm tagging this award to danisha and lanie, selamat mengerjakan yaa semuanya! :)

Monday, 23 February 2009

A post-tag about : my personality

Fiuh.. I have so many homework to do this month, and I've got a post-tag from Karin by using facebook couple days ago. This tag is about showing your personalities after you answered all of the questions in a website , you only to click here and then try to answer honestly. It's fun, since you get to know much about your personalities. So, I'm tagging this homework to some of my buddies, especially for neno and sarah , to click : this website

Here are the answers about my personality..

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

i'm quite proud with all the answers above, yaa..

selamat mencoba! :)

Friday, 20 February 2009

A post-tag about : the alphabets of mine

Hello all!

Fiuh.. finally, I've done this homework. Yihiiiiiiiiiii.. I've got a homework as usually from Neno, haha. You made me crazy to do and think about all these alphabets.

First, here are the rules:

1. To each letter of an alphabet write a word connected to you.
2. Tag 6 (six) people.

So, here are my alphabets..

Anne Hathaway is one of the most favorite actress in my life

Bekasi is the city where do I live now

Clown is a silly fact in my life because when I were a kid, if someone asked me what I wanted to be in the future, I answered to her/him : “I want to be a clown”.. Oh..what a silly life! LOL

Don’t judge a book by its cover => this is one of my favorite quote

Eating is one of my hobbies, hahahaha, that’s right guys!

Freezing is one of the techniques in photography that I never do successfully and I was jealous with my sister since she did freezing better than me.. :(

Ginger is the best medicine to cure my cough.. hehe

Hope that I’ll be accepted as journalist in one day! amien!

I don’t want to be the best, but I’m only be able to help all people around me => this is my own quote, yep, I made by myself, hihihi

Judgement Day (of thesis) is what I’m recently worrying about…hahaha, thesis again!

Kitchen is the most favorite part of my house…it’s because I love eating..hihi

Life is beautiful is one of the best movie in my whole life!

My favorite hobby is going to the cinema and watching movies .. ;)

Novel is a kind of book that I often read

Obama is a president-elect of America that I love and adore him SO MUCH!

Pursuit of happiness is the best movie besides Life is Beautiful

Quick.. is one of the adjectives which is absolutely me!

Reunion (with my high school friends) is an event that I always wait for..

Smile to everyone is the best way for me to make friends as much as possible

Tizi is one of my favorite restaurant in Jalan Dago, Bandung

United States is a country where I want to go there

Voice of America (VoA) is one of the best media that I adore besides New York Times

Westlife is my favorite boyband when I was in junior high..hahahahaha

You’ve got a friend- is my favorite song and lyric! You just call out my name..

Zodiac of mine is virgo..hehehe

But, I'm tagging this post to danisha, nice to meet you danisha! selamat mengerjakan yaaa.

thx yaa neno! :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Hillary Goes to Indonesia

Setelah mengunjungi Jepang, Hillary Clinton melanjutkan lawatannya ke Indonesia. Semenjak terpilih sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Amerika Serikat (AS) di bawah kepemimpinan Barrack Obama, Hillary telah diinstruksikan dan diberikan tugas melakukan pertemuan bilateral di wilayah Asia. Adapun negara-negara yang dikunjungi oleh Hillary yaitu Jepang, Indonesia, Korea, dan China. Indonesia merupakan negara Muslim pertama yang dikunjungi mantan Senator New York ini sejak dilantik menjadi Menteri Luar Negeri AS satu bulan lalu. Kunjungan Hillary ke Asia Timur dan Tenggara merupakan pendekatan diplomasi baru di bawah pemerintahan Presiden AS Barack Obama. Ya, surprisingly, Indonesia benar-benar menjadi negara kedua yang dijadwalkan oleh Hillary selama masa lawatannya.

Kunjungan Hillary beserta staf menteri luar negeri AS tentu saja ditujukan untuk mempererat dan memperbaiki kerjasama regional yang lebih baik lagi. Jujur, saya tidak tahu pasti wujud kerjasama seperti apa yang real antara Amerika Serikat dengan Republik Indonesia. Namun, kemudian, banyak orang bertanya-tanya apa signifikansi kunjungan atau lawatan Hillary ke Indonesia? Apakah semata-mata karena Barrack Obama pernah tinggal di Indonesia hingga hampir seluruh warga mengidolakannya? Atau justru Barack Obama melihat bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang mempunyai penduduk muslim terbesar di Asia?

Setidaknya, kita sebagai warga negara yang baik bisa melihat dari perspektif berbeda dan positif terkait dengan kunjungan Hillary pada tahun ini. Indonesia as a developing country, bisa dipertimbangkan sebagai negara untuk dijadikan mitra kerjasama yang sama-sama menguntungkan. Sekiranya ada dua alasan mengapa Indonesia dipilih sebagai mitra kerjasama Amerika Serikat dalam masa pemerintahan Barrack Obama.

Pertama, penduduk Indonesia didominasi dengan pemeluk agama muslim yang demokratis. Sehingga suara atau aspirasi Indonesia selalu didengar oleh negara-negara lain yang memiliki jumlah pemeluk agama Islam yang cukup banyak. Di sisi lain, Indonesia juga menjalin hubungan sangat baik dengan sejumlah negara Islam, seperti dengan negara-negara di kawasan Timur Tengah. Misalnya saja, sewaktu Dubes Indonesia untuk Palestina, Fariz Al Mehdawi, mengungkapkan aspirasinya untuk mendesak Dewan Keamanan PBB. Ini ditujukan agar mewujudkan resolusi genjatan senjata di Palestina. Dalam kaitan itu, partisipasi Indonesia selalu ditunggu dan diperhitungkan dalam memecahkan masalah konflik di Timur Tengah.

Kedua, Amerika Serikat kagum terhadap proses demokratisasi di Indonesia. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini, proses demokratisasi telah berjalan semaksimal mungkin dengan hasil yang cukup memuaskan bagi seluruh warga Indonesia. Terlebih bahwa masyarakat muslim Indonesia bisa mengikuti dan menjalankan demokrasi secara tentram. Sungguh menggembirakan, jikalau memang masyarakat muslim Indonesia dipandang positif sebagai masyarakat demokrat. Bisa dibilang Indonesia cukup berhasil membangun dan menyatukan diversity of religion and political views in democracy.

Once again I told you all, seperti kata Hillary dalam pertemuannya di Asia Society beberapa hari lalu, bahwa bukan karena Barrack Obama pernah tinggal di daerah sekitar Menteng dan diidolakan oleh warga Indonesia. Tetapi lebih mengedepankan bagaimana menjalin, mempererat, dan menegaskan kerjasama yang mutual respect. Semoga saja, pertemuan bilateral antara Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia dapat membawa keuntungan bagi kedua pihak!

Note: As a good citizen, we must be proud of our country!! :)

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Hidup ini Pilihan

Pagi ini saya mendapat telepon dan curhatan dari benk2, dia salah satu sahabat di kampus. Saya pun mendengarkan curhatannya selama 1 jam lebih. Lumayan agak shocked juga mendengar apa yang dia ceritakan pada pagi-pagi buta. Ya, secara garis besar dia curhat tentang pengunduran dirinya menjadi pengurus di UKM Wretta Aksa (Wretta Aksa itu organisasi di bidang jurnalistik dan fotografi yang saya ikutin dari awal masuk kuliah, ya saya memang belum sempat cerita tentang UKM ini di blog, maybe, I’ll tell you soon!).

Back to the story benk2 told me this morning. Ketika saya tanya alasannya mengundurkan diri menjadi pengurus, dia bilang, “Yu, saat ini gw harus memilih yu, mana yang lebih penting antara kuliah dan organisasi. Hidup ini pilihan, yu.” Oke. Saya sempat berpikir bagaimana bisa kawan saya ini rela meninggalkan dan melepas tanggung jawabnya sebagai pengurus tahun ini. Sebab, dia selalu mempunyai dedikasi tinggi dan andil besar dalam organisasi saya. Ya, saya bisa mengerti alasan dan keadaannya sekarang ini. Sebenarnya, saya cukup salut dengannya untuk mau memutuskan dan memilih apa yang terbaik untuk dirinya, yakni berkonsentrasi dan menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Benk, lo pasti bisa menyelesaikan kuliah lo tahun ini!

Lain lagi dengan kawan saya, Feny, dia memutuskan untuk bekerja terlebih dahulu, lantaran mencari penghasilan demi menunjang hidupnya. Saat saya mengetahui bahwa dia sudah bekerja di suatu tempat, saya cukup heran dengan perubahannya. Apalagi saya tahu betul karakter dan jalan pikirannya (sebelum dia bekerja). “Gw capek, yu, gw capek bersenang-senang, gw mau memilih untuk bekerja mencari uang sambil kuliah.” Sekali lagi saya tertegun mendengar alasannya. Semangat yaa Feny! :)

Hidup ini pilihan. Setiap orang harus memilih salah satu. Tidak bisa keduanya. Setiap orang tentu memiliki waktu yang tepat untuk memilih. Paling tidak, ketika saya, kamu, atau pun kalian memilih akan merasa yakin bahwa pilihannya sangat tepat untuk dijalani.

Begitu pula dengan saya yang harus memilih bahwa saya harus meninggalkan kamu. Bukan berarti kamu tidak berarti buat saya. Bukan berarti kamu menyakiti saya. Bukan berarti ada orang lain yang mampir dalam kehidupan saya. Tetapi, ini merupakan suatu pilihan yang harus saya putuskan dan pikirkan secara rasional, matang-matang, dan dengan kepala dingin, tanpa harus mengeluarkan air mata. Saya memilih untuk tidak terikat dengan kamu atau siapa pun. Itulah pilihan saya sekarang ini. Saya hanya ingin berkonsentrasi pada hidup saya, menata ulang hidup saya, dan menjalaninya sebaik mungkin.

Lalu, bagaimana dengan kalian? Apakah saat ini kalian sedang memutuskan untuk memilih sesuatu yang tepat? Saya tunggu cerita kalian.


  • mulai hari ini, saya memutuskan untuk memilih menulis blog dalam dua bahasa, English dan Indonesia. Mengapa? Kemarin saya mencoba mendaftarkan blog saya ke direktori blog Indonesia, tetapi satu ketentuan yang tidak bisa saya ikuti adalah: Isi blog harus memiliki 75 % konten Bahasa Indonesia. Sayang sekali, saya tidak memenuhi ketentuan tersebut. thanks buat sarah yang sudah memberikan masukan-masukan kepada saya, padahal kami baru kenal. Thanks!