hey, guys! today is very important for us to make a difference by voting the candidates from each parties.. Ya, the election day comes on April, 9. Come on guys, don't be a GOLPUT, because it won't make any changes to the continuity of our election and democracy in this country! Even though, this post is unable to update about the election, well, i just want to make sure all of you that you already voted the best canditate. Have you voted today? Or do you have any difficulties to choose who is a better one? If you find any difficulties, at least, you'll make the difference by voting the party or the candidate!
note: hopefully, all of you used your right to vote and make any differences to our country! Oya, don't forget to visit my sister's blog, hehe
saya juga abis nyontreng, yu! malesnya itu di tps ngantri, hehe.
yes.Alhmdllah...nda golput kemarin!!!
saya golput krn terpaksa, Yu... ga terdaftar di DPT coz baru pindah ke kediaman baru ini. sedih banget :(
I didn't vote even though I think I had my vote card.. punish me, I'm golput! :&
@ sintia dan fajrin: wahh..selamat kalian telah menggunakan hak pilih!
@ tika: iya emang DPT pada pemilu tahun ini sangat kacau sekali.. jadi banyak yang terpaksa golput!
@ neno: it's ok mbak, mungkin nanti pas pilpres ikut milih yaaa!
oo.. pemilihan presiden beda lagi ya? baru tau.. baiklah kalo begitu.. :D
i vote even though i don't know that party,, *ngasal mode : on*, hahaha!
btw, blog aku pindah, re-link yaa.. http//sarahsita.wordpress.com
thank youu! *hugs*
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