Saturday, 27 December 2008

A post-tag about : AWARD & MY LOVE STORY

"Happy Seven Award" "This appreciation is aimed for whoever still having lucky certain love relations, have millions memories and billions stories behind it. Possibly also had something's overturned of the date figure? Let us know what your unforgotten periods have!"


1. Everyone who gets this award is obliged to write his/ her recent love story & these rules in his/ her new post.

2. Everyone who gets this award is obliged to tag 7 of his/ her friends who have a unique love story to be shared then they must do what he/ she does as well.

Notes on the award:

This award is under license of Cindy Perdana Computeria & Fediani Putri Andarini, so you must certify that you have the right to distribute & you do not violate the rules. Contact person(s): Cindy (candle)/ Fediani (hana)

I've got this post from Neno, hahaha, you never tired to tag your friend, hihihi.. By the way, Thank you!

I start the rules by telling my love story. My love story? I just realized I was being a single for almost a year. Hahaha. So I don't have any stories to tell. But, of course, I ever had someone who loves me so mad. Let me tell about HIM. He is one of good fellows in campus. We knew each other from first semester. Then, we made a relationship in the fifth semester.

Unfortunately, we couldn't continue our relationship for a longer time. We broke up on the second month. Second month? Yep, we only made that for two months. It was so boring and tiring. I never imagine this fact. For any reasons, I never regret with HIM. Because, he's just such a good fellow in my life, who tries to cheer me up. In fact, he tries to get closer with me. Finally, we are still keep in touch until now. Thank you for all the things you gave to me.

I'm tagging this post to Neriva, Nova, Karin, Ika, and my sister, Fanny. Never mind, please! hehehe

A post-tag about : THE REASON

Firstly, I say thank to Neno, thanks for the homework that you gave to me. Well, neno, I never mind to do all the homework I got. Let me tell you how the result. Hihihi...

A post-tagged about : THE REASON

1) Why did you give a blog title with "I'm telling about... a media where I could tell anything"?
Actually, there are not any spesific reasons about my blog title. Because, as you know, blog is a media where we could tell about any themes, like our daily life, our love, our goals, and whatever things that happened in our life. It means I'm telling about my style, my best friend, and other themes, which becomes a title for the post I wrote. Based on what things we tell on our blog, so that I thought : "I'm telling about.." for the right time. Do you understand the reason about my blog title? Hopefully, you, anyone who reads this post, could get the point of my reason about the blog title I had. ;)

2) Why did you use this template?
You know, I've changed a template for two times, hehehe. The first template was black- silhouette girl. But, I don't want to talk about my first template. I want to explain why I choose my last template (Wishing this template would be the last). I chose the black-cute cats, because I love cats! Yes, I really do! Cats are so cute!

Ok, back to the reason about my second template... Another reason, I love pink, so I really want some of the text is coloured by pink. Besides that, I can customize my blog more and more balance. I customized with black and white. I took a white for the background.

3) What moment did you never forget in your life?

Moment? Did you mean, special moment? I'm thinking for a while..
The moment that I never forget is all memories in junior high school. Yup, I really love and miss all my buddies in Tunas Jakasampurna School. Oh great, It was an unforgetable moment, because I faced up much things. The teachers, the boys, the girls, the canteen. I know it seems so childish. But, the best memories I ever had is in junior high school. I always wait for the reunion, like this photo.

4) Tag this post to your friend. I'm tagging to Neriva, Karin, Nova, Ika, and my sister, Fanny.

Once again, thank you neno! I can't wait a post-tagged from you again! hihihihi...

Saturday, 20 December 2008

My Style

If I go to campus, I totally make myself to comfort in every way.

I usually wear shirts or T-shirts, such as Tie Dye shirts, cartoon T-shirts, and many others

Sometime, I wear long sleeves, I never mind to wear it, because it's rainy now..

I usually wear sneakers or black flat shoes..

I usually wear skinny jeans I usually bring my black or brown tote bag

Of course, I never forget my lovely watch as the accessories

I'm tagging my friends: Karin, Ika, Nova, Mustika, and Egie to make a post about their style
I'll be appreciate if they want to describe their style!

I'm absolutely comfort! by ayu susanti aditya

Bye 2008.. and Welcome 2009!


We are going to face
a new year..
Have you felt pleased with your resolutions in 2008?
Have you got all resolutions in 2008?
If you haven't get all resolutions or maybe if you haven't feel satisfied, you'll try to get all in 2009.

By the way, have you made some resolutions for 2009?

If you haven't make a list about your resolutions, i'm trying to give an example.
Here is my list of resolutions in 2009.

I wish:
1) Get my bachelor's degree
2) Increase my TOEFL's score
3) Apply for a job as journalist
4) Be a better woman
5) Take a driving lesson with dian or fanny.

Now, i'm praying for all that resolutions in 2009..
I'm wishing all of us have a better life in 2009..

cheers :)

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

My Fellows Tagged Me for Writing a Post

hello all.

ok.. after arriving at home, I checked my blog, then i found a post-tag from my fellows, they were Ika and Karin. Well, i don't understand with "a post-tag", but, i'm trying to make a post.. Here you go..

A Post-Tag about: 10 FACTS OF MINE

1) I really love eating chocolate. Sometimes, I can eat one bar of chocolate for a
day. Hahaha, sounds crazy, right? chocolate is the most valuable snack in my life.
chocolate is the greatest thing in the world. chocolate is the best medicine to fix our
bad mood or broken-hearted. Hehehe, that's the fact, isn't that? Why does chocolate become
so a favorable thing? Yep, i'm trying to answer.

Some experts say that... chocolate has
phenylethylamine (*meanwhile, I don't know what is phenylethylamine about*), which is a substance like amphetanine, can gain and absorb thriptofan to our brain then produce dophamine. The dophamine can fix a bad feeling in ourself. Some experts say phenylethylamine can make us to be like a falling-in-love person.. Yippie.. That's a good point from chocolate.

* The first fact is I'm a fan of CHOCOLATE

2) I wanna be a real journalist. Yup, wheiii.. I can't hardly wait to get my bachelor's degree and apply for being a journalist, either printed-media (newspapers and magazines) or electronic-media (radio or television). Talking about my goal, I never expect to be a journalist since I was a child. What things could make me so ambitious to be a journalist? Let me tell about the story...

Since I was a child, my father has been interviewed by some journalist from a lot of media (my father is a politician in Indonesia, so that his opinion would become a news). But, I didn't expect to be a journalist. When I was in senior high school, I'm really amazed with their job. These are several reasons why do I want to be a journalist:
  1. I think JOURNALIST is a cool job.
  2. Journalists can interview a lot of varoius people, whether poor people, famous people, and many others.
  3. Journalists can meet new people from everywhere.
  4. Journalist is one of a job which is quite underpressure.
  5. Journalist can report one place to another place, one country to another country, so I'm very excited to see and learn much things in a new place.
  6. The last reason is: I LOVE WRITING a lot. When I was in junior high school, I've ever followed as a participant of "Writing a Short-Story Competition" which was held by Kawanku (one of a teen magazine in Indonesia). Hmm.. The short-story that I wrote is titled as "FIRST LOVE". Haha, of course, the story tells about a girl who is falling in love with a boy since they were in elementary school. Ok, maybe if you read this post you could imagine how embarrassment that story about! :D
This is the report of my job-training when I was a journalist in Kompas.

3) I've ever fell in love with a boy since I was in elementary school, perhaps, it could be my first love, huahaha, this is the silliest thing I ever had in my life. Ok, let me tell you a little bit.. His name is A_ _ M (I don't publish your name). He was one of my classmates in the fifth grade. I never know why I could be so mad about him. But, you know what happen next? I sent a letter for him. In that letter, I told him that I fell in love with him, and I asked him: "Would you like to be my boyfriend??". Then, all of my fellows in elementary and junior school knew about this fact. Damn! I really did that! Come on, ayu! This silly fact is just a little part of my life! What a silly life! LOL

*Sorry, I can't continue about that "fell in love" story in elementary school.

4) I really love about FRIENDSHIP. Even I always prefer to call my friends than my boyfriend. Because, I have a perception : "We can't live without a friend". So I always respect to someone if she/he would make a friend with me. I always be a trustworthy for my friend. I believe : "If we could keep friends problem as a secret, friends would have a trust to us".

5) Now, I'm wishing to get my bachelor's degree in 2009. I don't have any prediction what month I could finish my thesis. I hope I could finish my thesis on February 2009. Well, support me, please! My thesis tells about: "Konstruksi Surat Kabar Terhadap Peristiwa Sakit Hingga Meninggalnya Mantan Presiden Soeharto : Analisis Framing atas Berita Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia". The fifth fact of mine is I'M FINISHING MY THESIS.

6) I'm really proud that I'VE A GREY HAIR! Yap, in Indonesian, we call it: UBANAN. Almost of my friends already know about my grey hair and they (especially the boys) always do something annoying with my grey hair. But, I'm really confident for having a grey hair. A grey hair means I'm a smart, isn't it? hehehe. Yesterday, I asked to my stylist (My family has a trustworthy-stylist, his name is Gino). I asked him about why I have so much grey hair. He answered: it caused by a genetic factor. Yeah.. my parents have a lot of grey hair in theirself. Ok. I believe why I have so much grey hair since I was in senior high. *sigh...

7) I really want to study abroad. After graduating from University of Nasional, I'll improve my TOEFL score so that I could get a scholarship for my master's degree. I really want to study abroad, because, i want to make my dream. Yup, my dream is I should take and apply for a master degree from any countries, like Malaysia or Singapore. But, while I'm looking for a scholarship, I should get a job first. That's my future plan in 2009. Wish me. If you need some information about scholarships, you can click here.

8) I really love MY FAMILY. I think family is the best friend in our life. I have a small happy family which consists of Syamsuddin Haris (as my father), Rochmawati (as my mother), Diah Fanny Amalia (as my younger sister), Mbak Asih (my servant), and Mbak Mul (as my servant too).

9) I really love LOMBOK and BALI. I love both of them, because, that islands have a great scenery, beautiful beaches, some interesting places to visit, and some unique stuffs to buy as a souvenir. Luckily, I've ever went to that islands for a vacation with my family. Huhuhuy. Can't hardly wait to visit again. The next fact is: I'm wondering when I can go there (again) for a holiday.

10) The last fact is : now, I'm preparing myself to meet with my best friend, Dian, in Metropolitan Mall Bekasi. I'm going to accompany her for buying some stuffs that she needs.

I'm tagging 4 of my friends to write a post about 10 facts of them and the photo (at the right now) in their blog.. Here they are.. Nova, Mustika, Neriva, and Egie.

A POST-TAG ABOUT: Look at my picture!

This photo just takes 5 minutes to capture, move, save, and publish in my blog. In this photo: I was sitting in front of my computer in my father's room.

'm tagging 4 of my friends to write a post about 10 facts of them and their photo (at the right now) in their blog. Here they are.. Nova, Mustika, Neriva, and Egie

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Citizen Journalism: Can't be Responsible at all?

"The attacks in India served as another case study in how technology is transforming people into potential reporters, adding a new dimension to the news media. " (Brian Stelter dan Noam Cohen, "New York Times", 29/11)*

What is Citizen Journalism?

Are the citizens ready to be a journalist?

How about the printed-media, like newspapers and magazines? Would they be ready to face up citizen journalism?

Last Tuesday(December, 2nd), I attended a talkshow which discussed "Jurnalisme Warga (Citizen Journalism) : Antara Kredibilitas dan Tanggung Jawab". The speaker was Aries Margono, who works for TV One. The talkshow was held by Wretta Aksa in the University of Nasional.

Citizen Journalism existed since we have been in the era of media's convergence. The era of media's convergence means people (read: citizen) can use technologies, such as online-media, blog, and many things like that. People can create and publish news about everything by using all those things. Yup, the technologies are growing faster than before.

Nowadays, there are a lot of popular online-media, for example: Detikcom, and Okezone (you can see HERE). Online-media is becoming more popular than printed-media. Because, the online-media has higher mobilization than printed-media, so that citizens can quickly get information. The circulation of printed-media is much less now, so they (read: printed media) tried to make and develop online-media. They try to provide and share news online. Some of the printed-media on the internet are Kompas Cyber Media, Media Indonesia, Republika, Suara Pembaruan, and so many (you can see HERE). The citizens can give some information or knowledge to online media about what happens around them.

Or maybe, they can write and publish the news in a blog. Yeay, blog is not something new. Some people (read: citizens) make and use a blog to write everything they know. Of course, i'm one of the citizens who uses blog. If you can't write, you can use a video to inform and share the news, like Youtube. Indonesia, as a developing-country, has so many people who uses a blog in their daily life. It allows Indonesian people to be are so modern and creative.

But, India is also one of the countries in Asia, which has more advanced journalism. This fact is proved from one of the citizen in India, Arun Shanbhag, who reports terorism in Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, on November 26 (as quoted by Brian Stelter dan Noam Cohen, "New York Times", 29/11), you can CLICK HERE.

Back to the discussion about "Jurnalisme Warga (Citizen Journalism) : Antara Kredibilitas dan Tanggung Jawab"..

Well, Aries Margono explained that J. D. Lasica classified the media of citizen journalism into some categories..
  1. Public's participation, such as comments in the online-media, blog, news video, etc.
  2. Some information and news on the independent web.
  3. News website with full participation, like OhmyNews. Even, OhmyNews has a motto, like: "Every citizen is a reporter" (you can see HERE)
  4. The collaboration of media web, for example: slashdot (you can click HERE).
  5. Or kind of thin media, like mailing-list and newsletter.
Unfortunately, citizen journalism is becoming controvercial, there are pros and cons to that. Many professional journalist are certain that only they can be real journalist. The result and credibility of citizen journalism can't be responsible at all. Not like professional journalist.

*adopted from "Mumbai, Jurnalisme, dan Masa Depan Internet" by Ninok Leksono (Kompas, December, 3rd 2008)

Saturday, 29 November 2008

It's really nice to meet them!

Have you ever enjoyed your english course?

Have you ever felt so happy in the class of your english course?

Have you ever felt satisfied with in the class of your english course?

I guess the answer is: Sometimes i've ever felt happy, satisfied, and enjoyed at my english course

I'm really love to learn much about foreign languages. Actually, i'm not really confident with my english, so i try to improve my English. And, i had a chance to join an english course at English First (EF). My best friend (Dian) and I are really wanted to improve our English in EF. Finally, we are enrolled together and of course, we are in the same class until now.

Now, we are in the fifth level (Pre-Intermediate). I'm really so glad to be a part of my class. My teacher, Emily, is really cheerful and outgoing person. She teaches us so well. She always makes us so amazing with her. Sh
e attractives us a lot. wow.. thanks for being our teacher!

In that class, there are less than 15 students. The students are me, Dian, Maura, Fika, Tami, Moniq, Tiffany, Rais, Joseph, Gorby, Febri, and Aldi. I'm really enjoy to study with them. It's really so nice to meet them for twice a week. The class is so fun!

Here are some photos when we had a little suprise on Emily's birthday..


During the week, i didn't update my blog, because I had a busy week.

Last Saturday (November, 22), I attended a talkshow which talks about “Higher Education = Higher Income” in Tarumanegara University. Firstly, I would like to thank my best friend, Dian, because she invited me to attend this talkshow. I was so happy to attend that talkshow. Well, the speakers are, Mr. Monty (as the Rector of Tarumanegara University), a teacher of Wall Street Institute (I forget his name, hehe, so sorry), Mr. Ruben Urresola (as Asian Operation of Gestamp Tooling Services), and the moderator is Indah Pelapory (1st runner up Miss Indonesia 2008).

From the talkshow, i can motivate myself to get the most suitable job. The most suitable job doesn't mean we get a job with so much salary. But if we found a job which we could love, enjoy, and get some money, then we could manage the salary as well as possible, so it means we found the most suitable job.

To get the most suitable job, we should have a post graduate degree like a master or diploma. Besides higher education, we should improve our skills in the spesific areas which relate to the job that we're looking for. The skills could be a hard skill or soft skill. The skills could be an organization experience in the college. We could be part of a committee in an organization or maybe join some competition that we want. Well, we must be an active student. Not a passive. Oya, when we're still in the college, try to get some achivements, either academic or non-academic.

And we should get lots of work experience to support the credibility of our CV (curriculum vitae). Then, when we're having an interview, we should have a good appearance. Talking about a good appearance, it's not just well-dressed, but also ability, capability, and character of ourself. We should perform well. Hum.. we need to change ourself to develop a good interpersonal skills, so that the company would be interested in us.

I'm really sure if we have good personal, skills, work experiences, and higher education, WE COULD GET THE MOST SUITABLE JOB and of course, A HIGHER INCOME.

Note: But, if we find a job, don't forget to manage the salary to fulfil what we need in our life..hehehehe

Hopefully, this post could be useful for anyone who reads my blog.

Friday, 21 November 2008



Being a someone (he or she) to be a shoulder to cry on...

ven if she or he had a busy week, he or she could spend a little time for us...

omeone (she or he) always tells the truth, in case if we did a mistake...

rying to know and understand why we did that mistake, NOT what the mistake is...

Fun to be with! not always fun to be with, but also if we're so sad...

ide a bicycle together...hahaha

f we had problems, she or he could feel, hear, and listen to our problems...

nded by the death...

ever tell to
anyone about our mistakes..

o some silly things which nobody knows it..

Based on the meanings of BEST FRIEND above, I think i've found my best friend. Her name is
Dian Eka Anggraini. She's my classmates in the second grade of senior high school. So, we've been almost six years to be A BEST FRIEND. I'm wishing our friendship could be longer forever..


me and my best friend

Pemilih Pemula, pemilih yang menyedihkan

What is Pemilih Pemula??

Who is called with "Pemilih Pemula"??

Pemilih Pemula is someone who already has an identity card, such as KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk). It means he or she is still in the age between 17 until 21 years old. So that, Pemilih Pemula usually still in the senior high school and college. They or Pemilih Pemula have a right to vote in the elections in 2009. But, do they realize with what their right in next elections??

Yeah, i'm not sure if they realized what they should do or who they should vote. Because, i'm not really sure with process of the elections in Indonesia. Why i'm not really sure?? Because, based on the amount of parties, huff.. there are SO MANY parties NOW. Can you imagine million people in Indonesia SHOULD KNOW each parties so well??? i can't imagine how
Indonesian people could know much about 38 parties as well as possible. In case, if we just had 5 or 10 parties, perhaps Indonesian people could know them at all. I think it is so impossible thing in Indonesia.

Ok, back to main topic: Pemilih Pemula

Yesterday, my dad gave me a book. For a while, i think the book is about cartoon or heroes. Then, i opened it, wow.... wuuu.. it isn't a book, it's just a comic. The title of that comic: "Putih Abu-Abu Pemilu: Komik Politik untuk Pemilih Pemula". Wow, it's really AWESOME!

How cute that comic is..hahahaha

I tried to read..

Geezz.. It's a briliant comic, u know? I like the way of Nurul Arifin to campaign herself (for an information, she would be a caleg for Karawang). Yaa.. The author of that comic is my lecturer in UNAS. Although, she's trying to campaign herself by comic, but the comic is so very very very

Let me try to review her comic:
Adit (17) and Cici (17) are classmates. They don't understand about the elections, so they ask to their teacher, Pak Bono. They don't know what democration
is , what they should do, who they will vote in the elections, and which party is the best for them. Then, Pak Bono tries to answer their question.

useful for students in senior high school.

i got the conclusion is: "Pemilih Pemula: Pemilih yang menyedihkan"

Two Thumbs Up for Nurul Arifin! (well, i'm not one of her fans) hehehe.. ^_^

BAN bajaj, that's what friends are for..

Wanna know more about BAN bajaj? Let me tell what BAN bajaj is.

BAN bajaj consists of ayu, aulia, and hanum. We met since we've joined into Wretta Aksa in the third semester at University of Nasional. Well, we're three unique woman. We love eating, watching movies, hanging ou
t, taking some photos, dressing up like a model, hehehe. Of course, we love talking about hehehe, just we know much gossips about everyone around us. But, we love spending much time together by dressed up and then took some photos in everywhere.

Like these photos.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Finally, i've a blog!

hahahaha, hari gini??? hehehe,bukannya gw gagap teknologi..but, i dont know how to make a blog..hehehe alasan banget yah?nope,i'm lazy enough for making anything about web. Okay, let's start my blog..

let me introduce Nama gw, Ayu Susanti Aditya. Of Course, i'm a female..hahahaha,
apalagi yahh? segitu ajah. Hm.. i'm not a introvert, biarkan saja orang menilai gw melalui blog ini.

Today, i'm watching 7 movies. Hehehe, it's a way for spending my weekend. Sebenernya, pikiran gw lagi ribet, dipenuhi pikiran2, seperti outline skripsi, PKL, and how to get a great holiday. Yayayaya..tentang punya deadline sampai tanggal 5 agustus. Minggu depan gw harus masuk PKL di Republika (Alhamdulilah, i got it!). About 'how to get a great holiday?', yeah..i'm only have little time to spend my day sebelum masuk Republika. Then, i only watch movies at home and cinema. Gw agak bingung sih gimana caranya gw berlibur, tapi, ya kan juga msih punya daily routines, e.g: les EF!

Gw harus SEMANGAT dalam menjalani ini semua,hahahaha, gw GAK boleh capek! Gw akan baik2 saja u have any idea for my holiday? If u had, give me a comment, ok?