Monday 2 February 2009

A post-tag about : My desk

Since I was kinda in hurry to finish my thesis, I didn't update my blog, but sometimes I checked my blog, then I found a message from neno. She said I got a homework to do, though I suprised with the homework. Yep, the homework is all about my desk. I have to desribe how messy my desk is. whattt? my desk? *sigh*

Okay, my desk.. ugh.. my desk is so untidy..not messy ;)

My desk like other desks. There are three parts of my desk. All parts of my desk is already full of the things I have, such as books, my internship report, papers, pen, photos, my beauty kit, tape recorder, wallet, charger, my nikon, novels, cassettes, CD's, my small Al-Quran, mukena, and many other things.

You can see how fully my desk is. ;)

My favorite part is the top of my desk. The top of my desk, which I call the first part, I like to collect photos. There are too many photos, like me and my family, me and my fellas, me and my old friends. I actually put many photos in my wallet. I love my friends a lot.

Besides my desk, there is.. Hmm.. let me think what is it. Well, I dont know what I call this one. You can see which I put my college books in there. owhh.. I have too many books, but, I don't read all the books, I only read any pages that I need. All the books I have is all about communications, journalism, and also politics. ;)

Thanks for tagging me, neno!
I want to make my desk tidier than before, hahaha, oya.. Honestly I never use my desk to study. Hihihi,
my desk, I'm so sorry.

I'm tagging this to other friends, they are: Mustika, Mutya, Ika. This homework is so simple, you all just need to describe how messy your desk is.


BeeMouNTaiN said...

aduhh ko berantakan gituu sih??
beresin dulu gih biar rapi...kalo dah rapi kasih tau abie ya..ntar di kasih hadiah deh..hehe

Anonymous said...

my desk now? cuman ada laptop, celengan kosong, dompet, gelas, kartu ATM nyokap (boleh nyolong), Gillette, sama remotte AC...-.-"

hahaha, samar2 gw liat kotak Nikon, tapi mana kameranya?

Anonymous said...

hehe congratz peer nya uda dikerjain. walopun mungkin agak ga rapi, tapi desks nya lengkap banget ya? apa apa ada. :D

Anonymous said...

@ neno: iyaa hehe emang jarang rapi mejaku..tapi kemaren udah dirapiin koq..iya semuanya ditaroh di situ

@ budi: kameranya ada di dalem kardusnya, hihi, jarang sekali gw pake bud! ya seminggu sekali pasti gw dan ade' kameranya dikeluarin utk belajar motret..

@abiagi: hehehehe