Monday, 23 February 2009

A post-tag about : my personality

Fiuh.. I have so many homework to do this month, and I've got a post-tag from Karin by using facebook couple days ago. This tag is about showing your personalities after you answered all of the questions in a website , you only to click here and then try to answer honestly. It's fun, since you get to know much about your personalities. So, I'm tagging this homework to some of my buddies, especially for neno and sarah , to click : this website

Here are the answers about my personality..

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

i'm quite proud with all the answers above, yaa..

selamat mencoba! :)

Friday, 20 February 2009

A post-tag about : the alphabets of mine

Hello all!

Fiuh.. finally, I've done this homework. Yihiiiiiiiiiii.. I've got a homework as usually from Neno, haha. You made me crazy to do and think about all these alphabets.

First, here are the rules:

1. To each letter of an alphabet write a word connected to you.
2. Tag 6 (six) people.

So, here are my alphabets..

Anne Hathaway is one of the most favorite actress in my life

Bekasi is the city where do I live now

Clown is a silly fact in my life because when I were a kid, if someone asked me what I wanted to be in the future, I answered to her/him : “I want to be a clown”.. Oh..what a silly life! LOL

Don’t judge a book by its cover => this is one of my favorite quote

Eating is one of my hobbies, hahahaha, that’s right guys!

Freezing is one of the techniques in photography that I never do successfully and I was jealous with my sister since she did freezing better than me.. :(

Ginger is the best medicine to cure my cough.. hehe

Hope that I’ll be accepted as journalist in one day! amien!

I don’t want to be the best, but I’m only be able to help all people around me => this is my own quote, yep, I made by myself, hihihi

Judgement Day (of thesis) is what I’m recently worrying about…hahaha, thesis again!

Kitchen is the most favorite part of my house…it’s because I love eating..hihi

Life is beautiful is one of the best movie in my whole life!

My favorite hobby is going to the cinema and watching movies .. ;)

Novel is a kind of book that I often read

Obama is a president-elect of America that I love and adore him SO MUCH!

Pursuit of happiness is the best movie besides Life is Beautiful

Quick.. is one of the adjectives which is absolutely me!

Reunion (with my high school friends) is an event that I always wait for..

Smile to everyone is the best way for me to make friends as much as possible

Tizi is one of my favorite restaurant in Jalan Dago, Bandung

United States is a country where I want to go there

Voice of America (VoA) is one of the best media that I adore besides New York Times

Westlife is my favorite boyband when I was in junior high..hahahahaha

You’ve got a friend- is my favorite song and lyric! You just call out my name..

Zodiac of mine is virgo..hehehe

But, I'm tagging this post to danisha, nice to meet you danisha! selamat mengerjakan yaaa.

thx yaa neno! :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Hillary Goes to Indonesia

Setelah mengunjungi Jepang, Hillary Clinton melanjutkan lawatannya ke Indonesia. Semenjak terpilih sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Amerika Serikat (AS) di bawah kepemimpinan Barrack Obama, Hillary telah diinstruksikan dan diberikan tugas melakukan pertemuan bilateral di wilayah Asia. Adapun negara-negara yang dikunjungi oleh Hillary yaitu Jepang, Indonesia, Korea, dan China. Indonesia merupakan negara Muslim pertama yang dikunjungi mantan Senator New York ini sejak dilantik menjadi Menteri Luar Negeri AS satu bulan lalu. Kunjungan Hillary ke Asia Timur dan Tenggara merupakan pendekatan diplomasi baru di bawah pemerintahan Presiden AS Barack Obama. Ya, surprisingly, Indonesia benar-benar menjadi negara kedua yang dijadwalkan oleh Hillary selama masa lawatannya.

Kunjungan Hillary beserta staf menteri luar negeri AS tentu saja ditujukan untuk mempererat dan memperbaiki kerjasama regional yang lebih baik lagi. Jujur, saya tidak tahu pasti wujud kerjasama seperti apa yang real antara Amerika Serikat dengan Republik Indonesia. Namun, kemudian, banyak orang bertanya-tanya apa signifikansi kunjungan atau lawatan Hillary ke Indonesia? Apakah semata-mata karena Barrack Obama pernah tinggal di Indonesia hingga hampir seluruh warga mengidolakannya? Atau justru Barack Obama melihat bahwa Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang mempunyai penduduk muslim terbesar di Asia?

Setidaknya, kita sebagai warga negara yang baik bisa melihat dari perspektif berbeda dan positif terkait dengan kunjungan Hillary pada tahun ini. Indonesia as a developing country, bisa dipertimbangkan sebagai negara untuk dijadikan mitra kerjasama yang sama-sama menguntungkan. Sekiranya ada dua alasan mengapa Indonesia dipilih sebagai mitra kerjasama Amerika Serikat dalam masa pemerintahan Barrack Obama.

Pertama, penduduk Indonesia didominasi dengan pemeluk agama muslim yang demokratis. Sehingga suara atau aspirasi Indonesia selalu didengar oleh negara-negara lain yang memiliki jumlah pemeluk agama Islam yang cukup banyak. Di sisi lain, Indonesia juga menjalin hubungan sangat baik dengan sejumlah negara Islam, seperti dengan negara-negara di kawasan Timur Tengah. Misalnya saja, sewaktu Dubes Indonesia untuk Palestina, Fariz Al Mehdawi, mengungkapkan aspirasinya untuk mendesak Dewan Keamanan PBB. Ini ditujukan agar mewujudkan resolusi genjatan senjata di Palestina. Dalam kaitan itu, partisipasi Indonesia selalu ditunggu dan diperhitungkan dalam memecahkan masalah konflik di Timur Tengah.

Kedua, Amerika Serikat kagum terhadap proses demokratisasi di Indonesia. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini, proses demokratisasi telah berjalan semaksimal mungkin dengan hasil yang cukup memuaskan bagi seluruh warga Indonesia. Terlebih bahwa masyarakat muslim Indonesia bisa mengikuti dan menjalankan demokrasi secara tentram. Sungguh menggembirakan, jikalau memang masyarakat muslim Indonesia dipandang positif sebagai masyarakat demokrat. Bisa dibilang Indonesia cukup berhasil membangun dan menyatukan diversity of religion and political views in democracy.

Once again I told you all, seperti kata Hillary dalam pertemuannya di Asia Society beberapa hari lalu, bahwa bukan karena Barrack Obama pernah tinggal di daerah sekitar Menteng dan diidolakan oleh warga Indonesia. Tetapi lebih mengedepankan bagaimana menjalin, mempererat, dan menegaskan kerjasama yang mutual respect. Semoga saja, pertemuan bilateral antara Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia dapat membawa keuntungan bagi kedua pihak!

Note: As a good citizen, we must be proud of our country!! :)

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Hidup ini Pilihan

Pagi ini saya mendapat telepon dan curhatan dari benk2, dia salah satu sahabat di kampus. Saya pun mendengarkan curhatannya selama 1 jam lebih. Lumayan agak shocked juga mendengar apa yang dia ceritakan pada pagi-pagi buta. Ya, secara garis besar dia curhat tentang pengunduran dirinya menjadi pengurus di UKM Wretta Aksa (Wretta Aksa itu organisasi di bidang jurnalistik dan fotografi yang saya ikutin dari awal masuk kuliah, ya saya memang belum sempat cerita tentang UKM ini di blog, maybe, I’ll tell you soon!).

Back to the story benk2 told me this morning. Ketika saya tanya alasannya mengundurkan diri menjadi pengurus, dia bilang, “Yu, saat ini gw harus memilih yu, mana yang lebih penting antara kuliah dan organisasi. Hidup ini pilihan, yu.” Oke. Saya sempat berpikir bagaimana bisa kawan saya ini rela meninggalkan dan melepas tanggung jawabnya sebagai pengurus tahun ini. Sebab, dia selalu mempunyai dedikasi tinggi dan andil besar dalam organisasi saya. Ya, saya bisa mengerti alasan dan keadaannya sekarang ini. Sebenarnya, saya cukup salut dengannya untuk mau memutuskan dan memilih apa yang terbaik untuk dirinya, yakni berkonsentrasi dan menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Benk, lo pasti bisa menyelesaikan kuliah lo tahun ini!

Lain lagi dengan kawan saya, Feny, dia memutuskan untuk bekerja terlebih dahulu, lantaran mencari penghasilan demi menunjang hidupnya. Saat saya mengetahui bahwa dia sudah bekerja di suatu tempat, saya cukup heran dengan perubahannya. Apalagi saya tahu betul karakter dan jalan pikirannya (sebelum dia bekerja). “Gw capek, yu, gw capek bersenang-senang, gw mau memilih untuk bekerja mencari uang sambil kuliah.” Sekali lagi saya tertegun mendengar alasannya. Semangat yaa Feny! :)

Hidup ini pilihan. Setiap orang harus memilih salah satu. Tidak bisa keduanya. Setiap orang tentu memiliki waktu yang tepat untuk memilih. Paling tidak, ketika saya, kamu, atau pun kalian memilih akan merasa yakin bahwa pilihannya sangat tepat untuk dijalani.

Begitu pula dengan saya yang harus memilih bahwa saya harus meninggalkan kamu. Bukan berarti kamu tidak berarti buat saya. Bukan berarti kamu menyakiti saya. Bukan berarti ada orang lain yang mampir dalam kehidupan saya. Tetapi, ini merupakan suatu pilihan yang harus saya putuskan dan pikirkan secara rasional, matang-matang, dan dengan kepala dingin, tanpa harus mengeluarkan air mata. Saya memilih untuk tidak terikat dengan kamu atau siapa pun. Itulah pilihan saya sekarang ini. Saya hanya ingin berkonsentrasi pada hidup saya, menata ulang hidup saya, dan menjalaninya sebaik mungkin.

Lalu, bagaimana dengan kalian? Apakah saat ini kalian sedang memutuskan untuk memilih sesuatu yang tepat? Saya tunggu cerita kalian.


  • mulai hari ini, saya memutuskan untuk memilih menulis blog dalam dua bahasa, English dan Indonesia. Mengapa? Kemarin saya mencoba mendaftarkan blog saya ke direktori blog Indonesia, tetapi satu ketentuan yang tidak bisa saya ikuti adalah: Isi blog harus memiliki 75 % konten Bahasa Indonesia. Sayang sekali, saya tidak memenuhi ketentuan tersebut. thanks buat sarah yang sudah memberikan masukan-masukan kepada saya, padahal kami baru kenal. Thanks!

Monday, 16 February 2009

A post-tag about : Footprints award and blog


Put this logo on your blog and answer these question below!

1. What is your main reason to make a blog?
2. Whose blog that you visited first after you made your own blog?
3. Tag 5 (five) people you often visit!

yihiii, I got a homework again from neno, thanks for giving me a homework ! Hehehehe, here are the answer..

1. The main reason why I made a blog is.. I love writing so much. I always spend my time to write anything in everyday whether it is a fiction, poem, my daily life, news, or my opinion about any topics. Then, I tried to write down in blog since I was in senior high, yeaa.. I ever made a blog for three times (this is the third! my older blogs are : my first blog, but, this one has already deleted, and my friendster's blog), but I was a little bit confused at that time, because, blog doesn't exist like today. Hehehe. Eventually, I decided to make a blog AGAIN. So, here I am in my new blog!

2. After I made my own blog, I had been visiting Karin's blog, yup, I was amazed at her blog. (thanks karin! you gave me an inspiration to make blog again, you already taught me how to make a blog, you taught me by chatting on facebook..hehehe, thanks for teaching me!)

3. Tag this post to 5 (five) people you often visit! Okay, give me a few minutes to think which people should I tag. Five people?? Sorry, I only tag this post to three people. I'm tagging this post to Karin, Neriva, and my younger sister, Fanny..

Monday, 9 February 2009

all the things related with thesis

Hello everyone! Hopefully, This post could be useful for anyone who starts to do thesis (baca: skripsi). Are you in the last semester? Have you finished your thesis? If you haven't finished your thesis and still confused to manage, let me give some tips how to face all the problems while you are finishing your thesis.. okey? Here are the tips.

1) Make your desk (or room) tidier. Why do you need to make tidier? Yeaa.. if your desk is so untidy, you won't have a good mood to do your thesis. I'm really sure the condition of your desk (or room) would be influenced to get a better mood to do your thesis. Hehehe. ;)

2) Create your own calendar and make a target to get then. You have to create a calendar, since, the calendar makes you easier to remind much things, or the calendar makes you to get a target, for example:
  1. when the date you should meet your lecturer;
  2. when the date you should do your chapter per a day or a week;
  3. when the date you should bring your result of the chapter you did;
  4. also you need to know your improvement of the thesis by using a calendar. I suggest you to be discipline by finishing each of the chapters in a month, so you only need to finish in 4 or 6 months (like me..hihi), you must do that!
3) Don't waste your time! You ought to use your time as much as you can. Even you don't need to hang out in weekdays. Your spare time is only in weekend, guys! Don't forget about a proverb : Time is money, yeaa.. use your time as well as you can do.

4) Read more books than usual you read. When you're still finishing thesis, you should look for more books to be your reference in thesis. I suggest you to go any libraries that you like, after that you read any books which is related to your topic in thesis. Because, based on my experience, you would never know the theories or how to analyze the topic, if you never read and learn from any books! Still remember about this proverb : Buku adalah jendela dunia.

5) Pray to God. I know you're living in underpressure when you have to finish thesis as quickly as possible. So, don't forget to pray and wish all the problems would be fine. okay?

Good luck with your thesis, guys! cheers! :)

Saturday, 7 February 2009

A post-tag about : 100 the truths of mine

Good night, all bloggers! yihii, i've got a post-tag from neno.. thx neno!

001. Real name → Ayu Susanti Aditya
002. Like it? → absolutely yes!
003. Nickname(s)→ ayu
004. Status → in a good relationship but he’s not my boyfriend
005. Zodiac sign → virgo
006. Male or female → female
007. Elementary→ SD Tunas Jakasampurna, Bekasi
008. Middle School → SMP Tunas Jakasampurna Bekasi
009. High School → SMA Panglima Sudirman then I moved out to SMA Negeri 2 Bekasi ;)
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → medium (hehe, almost long)
012. Eye color → brown
013. Weight → 54 kg (huehehe, I’m getting fatter)
014. Height → 157 cm
015. Righty or lefty → righty
016. Loud or Quiet → both of them, it depends on people around me
017. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
018. Phone or Camera → phone
019. Health freak → not really
020. Piercings?→ no
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → he’s my fellow in campus, sandhy
022. Eat or Drink → eat
023. Purse or Backpack → backpack
024. Tattoos → no
025. Do You Like Yourself? → yup, I really do
026. Current worry? → I’m worrying when the judgement day of my thesis comes..

027. Orange or Apple Juice? → apple juice
028. Night or Day? → day
029. Sun or Moon? → sun
030. TV or Internet? → Internet! I’m addicted of the internet
031. PlayStation or XBox? → PlayStasion
032. Kiss or Hug? → both of them
033. Iguana or Turtle? → turtle
034. Spider or Bee? → bee
035. Fall or Spring? → spring
036. Limewire or iTunes? → iTunes
037. Soccer or Baseball? → soccer

038. First surgery → when I was in junior high, I had my ears surgery
039. First piercing → baby, maybe
040. First best friend → my first best friend at the fourth grade in elementary school, her name is Benita Putri (haloo.. Benita! Put!)
041. First Sport? → jogging, hihi, I rarely to do some sports
042. First award → reading poem’s competition, but I forget
043. First crush → my old friend in elementary school, his name is agam
044. First pet → my first cat is GANTENG.. hihi, yup its name is ganteng
045. First big vacation → when I was at the first grade in senior highschool, I went to Bali and Lombok for some weeks with my beloved family
046. First big birthday → my sweet 17th birthday party!

047. Eating → a piece of black forest cake..hihi
048. Drinking → a glass of mineral water
049. I’m about to → do and finish my chapter four in thesis
050. Listening to → I’m not listening to any kinds of music at this moment
051. Singing? → I’m not singing now
052. Typing? → my chapter four in thesis and a post tag
053. Waiting for → a short message or SMS from sandhy

054. Want kids? → of course
055. When? → hahaha.. I’m not really sure
056. Want to get married? → of course
057. When? → I don’t know
058. Where Do You Want To Live? → anywhere in Jabodetabek.. Hehehe, I don’t want to go out from Jabodetabek
059. Careers in mind → a journalist, a researcher, and a writer
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → clown (yup, I know, this fact is so silly, but that’s the truth everyone!)
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → both of them
062. Something You Would Never Try? → smoking, drugs, and clubbing

063. Lips or eyes → eyes
064. Shorter or taller? → taller than me
065. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
066. Nice stomach or nice arms → I don’t know, but I prefer a good looking one
067. Sensitive or loud → sensitive
068. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant → hesitant
070. Hugging or Kissing? → hugging and kissing
071. Tan Skinned or Light? → tan skinned
072. Dark or Light Hair? → dark
073. Muscular or Normal? → normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts → sorry, I don’t wear glasses or contacts
075. Ran away from home → yup, I ever did
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→ what??? Never!
077. Killed somebody → absolutely never!
078. Broken someone’s heart → sometimes
079. Been arrested → absolutely never!
080. Cried when someone died → yaa.. I’m easily to cry
081. Kissed A Stranger? → never
082. Climbed Up A Tree? → when I was a kid
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → yup, when I was in junior

084. Yourself → absolutely yes!
085. Miracles → yes
086. Love at first sight → no
087. Heaven → yes
088. Santa Claus → no
089. Kiss on the first date → no

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yup! sandhy..
091. Do You Like Someone? → yes, he’s my fellow in campus, sandhy again
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → yes, I’m so happy with my life
093. Do you believe in God → yup!

094. Received/ Sent Text Message → from and to sandhy..
095. Received Call → sandhy
096. Call Made? → sandhy
097. Comment On MySpace? → I’m not a user on myspace..
098. Missed Call? → from sandhy
099. Person You Hung out With? → aulia, hanum, and rika

100. Post as 100 truths and tag this post to my new friend, Sarah. Nice to meet to you, sarah! :)

Friday, 6 February 2009

my favorite quote

I ever had a favourite quote since I was in junior high school until now. That quote is:

"Don't judge a book by it's cover!"

-Anonymous (I never know who made this quote)

But, I was thinking : "Why don't I have my own quote? Why don't I create a new quote by myself?". I eventually decided to let that old quote go from my life. Hihi. I've just created a new quote by myself some weeks ago. I'm totally proud with my new quote, because this quote based on my thought.. Then.. here is my new quote:

"I don't want to be the best, I'm only be able to help people around me"

-Ayu Susanti Aditya (of course this one made by myself!)

The inspiration of this quote comes from my thought. When I met a new friend in junior high school, yup she is one of my old friends in junior high. She always wants to be the best from other people, she wants to be a rival with other people, even if the rival is her best friend. She never wants to know what problem people had. She never cares with people's life. Unfortunately, she always tells and spreads the negative points of someone (she/he) to other people. Oh.. I think she's very ambitious. She totally wants to be the best one. I really don't like the rules of her mind. Because, in my opinion, we don't have to be the rival with people in our surrounding, or we don't have the best one, but we definitely have to help and care with people around us.

Hopefully, this quote would be an inspiration to anyone who reads this.

Is there anyone who doesn't agree with my quote?? Is there any critics about my new quote?? Drop a comment about my quote,please, thanks. :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2009



Berawal dari sebuah teriakan dan tetesan kecil

Hingga kita merasa benar-benar kecil…

Hingga kita merasa benar-benar sendiri…

Saat yang paling indah adalah ketika kita bermain bersama, tertawa bersama, menangis bersama, ataupun berbuat dosa bersama

Saat yang paling sedih adalah ketika kita tidak lagi bersama

Saat di mana kita dipisahkan oleh ruang dan waktu

Saat di mana kita menjalani hidup yang keras ini sendiri

Saat tawa, tangis, dan air mata kita tidak dapat menyatu


Saatnya kita meraih impian

Impian yang dulu kita rangkai bersama


Saatnya kita berjuang untuk hidup

Tidak hanya hidup di bawah naungan Ibu

Melainkan hidup di atas roda yang berputar

Janganlah takut…

Karena dalam kesendirian kita

Masih ada Dia…yang selalu menemani langkah kita

By : Aulia n’ aYoE

Monday, 2 February 2009

A post-tag about : My desk

Since I was kinda in hurry to finish my thesis, I didn't update my blog, but sometimes I checked my blog, then I found a message from neno. She said I got a homework to do, though I suprised with the homework. Yep, the homework is all about my desk. I have to desribe how messy my desk is. whattt? my desk? *sigh*

Okay, my desk.. ugh.. my desk is so untidy..not messy ;)

My desk like other desks. There are three parts of my desk. All parts of my desk is already full of the things I have, such as books, my internship report, papers, pen, photos, my beauty kit, tape recorder, wallet, charger, my nikon, novels, cassettes, CD's, my small Al-Quran, mukena, and many other things.

You can see how fully my desk is. ;)

My favorite part is the top of my desk. The top of my desk, which I call the first part, I like to collect photos. There are too many photos, like me and my family, me and my fellas, me and my old friends. I actually put many photos in my wallet. I love my friends a lot.

Besides my desk, there is.. Hmm.. let me think what is it. Well, I dont know what I call this one. You can see which I put my college books in there. owhh.. I have too many books, but, I don't read all the books, I only read any pages that I need. All the books I have is all about communications, journalism, and also politics. ;)

Thanks for tagging me, neno!
I want to make my desk tidier than before, hahaha, oya.. Honestly I never use my desk to study. Hihihi,
my desk, I'm so sorry.

I'm tagging this to other friends, they are: Mustika, Mutya, Ika. This homework is so simple, you all just need to describe how messy your desk is.