Wednesday 3 February 2010

I hate being left by my best friends

Saya paling benci kehilangan seseorang. Saya paling benci ditinggal oleh seseorang, apalagi jika saya ditinggal keluarga dan sahabat. Dulu, saya pernah ditinggal sahabat saya, Mega. Dia pergi ninggalin saya bukan karena dia jahat sama saya. Tetapi dia menuntut ilmu di kota kelahirannya para filsuf dunia, seperti Immanuel Kant dan Karl Marx. Ya, tepat sekali. Mega beralih ingin menginjakkan kakinya di Jerman. Saya lupa persisnya tahun berapa dia meninggalkan tanah air. Kalau tidak salah 2006 atau 2007. Tapi, saya sedih sekali pada malam hari menjelang kepergiannya.
this is me and mega

Saat ini saya sedang sedih karena Dian, salah satu sahabat saya, akan meninggalkan kota Bekasi untuk bekerja di Cirebon. Dia diterima di salah satu hotel berbintang di kota Cirebon dan akan bekerja sebagai management trainee, yang sesuai dengan latar belakang jurusannya, yaitu psikologi.

this is me and dian

I hate being left by my bestfriends. Because it's not easy for me to call my friend as best friend. Because it's not easy to find some people who can be trusted as best friend. Because it's not easy to tell our problem to other people than to our best friend. Because other people are not honest as our best friend. Who doesn't hate the situation like this? I'm the one who does. But, this is how life is supposed to be. In our whole life, we'll meet with many people with their different personalities. However, we never forget our bestfriend indeed . And i think, perhaps it's the best choice for them to be a success woman. I'll be proud of my bestfriends who could be success in the future. One day, we'll meet again by bringing our goals and achievements. Amin.

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