Tuesday, 31 March 2009

a very short post

Good afternoon all!

For the first time, I created a new post at warnet (warung internet) which is near from my campus. Yeay, I decided to go to campus this morning, even though I feel so bored today. I told to my parents about my feeling isn't good at all.

My parents reminded me their advice: "if your feeling isn't good as usual, you might be staying at home today".

then, their advice comes true! I'm feeling so bored and dilemma now! I'm supposed to be staying at home today! It's unbelievable!

Ok, let me review my schedule today:

I should meet my lecturer to show off all my presentation this morning. Since my lecturer said that I must give the best performance in the judgement day, so I want him to check all the presentation that I did.

After I met my lecturer, I sent sms to one of my friends at campus. Ya, she borrowed my book since some weeks ago. Last night, I planned to take the book from her, however that book is very important for me to read much about methodology research. Now, I'm waiting her for almost three hours at warnet!!

ugh.. I hate waiting!

Suddenly, I just remembered that there is a seminar which talks about the election in 2009 this afternoon. My friend wanted me to attend the discussion. But, I've already cancelled to come to politic discussion at campus, because I have to meet her and take the book. Fyi, I really need that book, so I decided to wait her for giving back to me! :(

I'm regreting all the things happened today. I'm still wondering that I would be a participant in that politic discussion. I'm also wondering that I would be staying at home like my parents' advice.

This evening, I'll having an early dinner with my best friend, dian, we'll be chatting a lot, and next, I'll be attending the class in my english course. Hopefully, everything will be fine..

note: if you want to go out, don't forget to pray to God.. :)

Monday, 30 March 2009


Akhir-akhir ini saya memang jarang keluar rumah (baca: jalan-jalan dengan sahabat-sahabat). Bukan karena saya malas, tetapi saya sempat sakit selama beberapa hari, kemudian disibukkan dengan urusan skripsi, dan juga alasan terakhir, yaitu keluarga.

Jadinya, hampir setiap hari saya bercengkerama dengan teman-teman di luar sana melalui facebook. Honestly, I really miss all my best friends in campus. I know, time has changed, and the situation also changed. At this time, all of my friends are having busy days with their work and their thesis. It means that we can't meet each other and we only communicate by phone/sms/facebook. The problem is: I really miss all my best friends in campus!

Ugh.. Saya benar-benar sedang berada di dalam situasi yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian. Maksud saya, saat di mana saya sedang menunggu sidang skripsi, tetapi saya juga tidak memiliki pekerjaan (baca: belum dapat ijazah). Ya, saya memang cuma bisa belajar dan menyiapkan presentasi untuk sidang skripsi - yang katanya - akan digelar minggu depan. Sembari belajar dan menyiapkan presentasi, saya juga tetap membuka account saya di facebook hampir setiap hari. The truth is: I'm totally desperate with this situation.

Hingga akhirnya, ketika saya sedang melakukan rutinitas browsing (baca: buka facebook), saya menemukan 1 friend request. Setelah saya buka, hm.. ternyata salah satu teman lama saat masa-masa SMA. He isn't one of my high school mates. His name is Edwin. I met him since we were classmates in english course. It has been almost 5 years we haven't met! Since then, he posted something in my wall and so did I. Sometimes, we chat together by facebook. It is caused by the long distance between us. Fyi, he is studying in UPN Yogyakarta now. The fact is: I'm suddenly missing him!

Well, he isn't my boyfriend, hehe, hm.. I ever crushed with him when we were taking english course in senior high and so did he. Yup, we already knew our feelings each other, but, we haven't changed this friendship into relationship, because of the very long distance between us. We only communicate by phone and facebook until now, owh..poor me! I'm so damn miss that guy! :)

note: if you miss someone out there, you only need to say that you miss him/her already! ;)

Awards (AGAIN!)

All these AWARDS below are from neno, sarah, mustika, and fajrin , thanks guys! I'm really appreciate with the awards that you already gave to me! :)

First award..(from sarah and neno)


The Rules:
* Put the logo in your post.
* Write 5 things you are passionate about aside from blogging.
* Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.

Thanks to neno, because she's already gave me some awards about one month ago. Ok, I'll mention 5 things that I'm passionate about aside from blogging. All the things are..

1. Watching movies in the cinema or some DVDs at home with my sister and friends.
2. Eating! If I'm getting stressful, I should eat any foods, chocolates, or fruits, even if this hobby makes me fatter than before! ;)
3. Being a journalist, haha, yea.. i think if you enjoy being a journalist, you'll be passionately reporting any news, LOL
4. Studying, huehehehe.
5. and hanging out with my friends to the mall or restaurant.

Second award..(from sarah and neno)

The rules are:
  • The blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
  • The blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions.
  • There is a clear purpose at the blog; one that fosters a better understanding on social, political, economic, the arts, culture, sciences and beliefs.
  • The blog is refreshing and creative.
  • The blogger promotes friendship and positivie thinking.

Neno's award..(this one is created by neno, how cute!) ;)

The aims of this award:
  • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
  • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
Here are the rules:
  • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
  • Don't forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
  • Answer the award's question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
  • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
  • Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.
I've got this award from sarah, mustika, and neno.

The main and simple reason why I love blogging is:
I love writing so much. then, I love sharing any ideas or any thoughts to anyone. ;)

Vespa Blogger Friendship (from fajrin)
Here are the rules:
  • Take your award.
  • Put the logo on your blog.
  • Add a link to the person who awarded you.
  • Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
  • Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

Fiuh.. saya telah mendapatkan banyak award selama sebulan ini. Jadi, giliran saya untuk memberikan keempat award kepada kawan-kawan saya di bawah ini:

(silahkan diambil awardnya guys!)

dan siapa pun yang ingin mendapatkan award, silahkan diambil !

selamat atas penghargaan award-nya kawan! HAPPY BLOGGING ALL! :)

Terima Kasih

Hello all!

It has been almost two months that I never update my blog since I was kinda busy to finish my thesis, then it's finally done! Alhamdulilah.. terima kasih ya Allah. While I was waiting the judgement day, I was still preparing for the presentation and praying to Allah SWT. I'm wishing everything is worthed, ya Allah.

Karena terbatasnya halaman kata pengantar di dalam skripsi, jadi, saya mutusin buat ngucapin rasa terima kasih melalui blog dan note di facebook untuk semua teman-teman yang telah ngebantuin saya, ngecengin saya, berantem ma saya, nolongin saya, dan sering ngasih nasehat ke saya selama kurang lebih hampir 4 tahun di Unas. Hehehehe

Hmm.. banyak banget kejadian, peristiwa, cerita, dan hal-hal seru mulai dari yang baik sampai yang buruk di Unas. Hmm.. terlalu banyak waktu yang saya lewati bersama kawan-kawan di Unas, dan semua cerita atau kejadian tentu sangat berarti bagi saya dalam menjalani hidup (halah, bahasanya..hihi).

To the point aja ye?Intinya, saya mau ngucapin terima kasih buat semua teman-teman yang udah baik sama saya. Sebab, kalian semua banyak memberikan inspirasi buat saya!

Selain keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat saya sejak SMA, Terima kasih buat:

1) teman-teman jurusan ilmu komunikasi angkatan 2005, khususnya program studi, Jurnalistik 2005! wuidih, kalian emang keren banget! solidaritasnya tinggi banget! saya gak akan pernah lupa saat kunjungan ke majalah Aneka Yess, kalian malah lebih memilih naik sebuah bis metro mini, padahal jumlah kita melebihi kapasitas metro mininya, huahaha, THX BGT saya semua udah rela panas2an dan keringet2an! Unfortunately, I wasn't taking any pictures when we went there by metro mini. :'(

2) buat UKM Wretta Aksa (UKM Fotografi dan Jurnalistik) tercinta, khususnya angkatan 3, Makasih banget udah ngasih banyak pelajaran ke saya dalam kurun waktu hampir 4 tahun ini. Di Wretta Aksa, saya bisa menerima dan mempelajari baik perbedaan maupun permasalahan yang saya hadapi. Mulai dari jadi AM, bikin pameran AM, kemudian jadi AP, terus buat pameran bersama, hingga akhirnya muster (musyawarah tertinggi). Tapi yang paling penting, saya menemukan arti penting sahabat dari dua orang, walaupun saya tahu bahwa saya sendiri terkadang susah dalam memahami arti persahabatan. Terima kasih!

3) kepada teman-teman Himakom periode 2007/2008 , terima kasih karena saya juga belajar menerima kritikan dan saran dari semua anggota dalam membantu kepengurusan saat itu. Satu hal yang bisa saya pelajari dari Himakom ketika masa2 akhir kepengurusan, hmm.. banyak banget hal2 yang bisa saya jadikan pelajaran hidup untuk bertahan di dalam sebuah situasi apa pun. Thx ya semuanya!

4) kepada teman-teman kuliah lainnya mulai dari semester 1 sampe semester akhir ini yang saya gak bisa nyebutin namanya satu per satu, karena, saya cuma bisa nge-tag kalian semua di dalam note facebook, makasih udah ngajarin saya banyak hal yang mungkin belum tentu saya temuin di luar sana.

Sekali lagi, makasih banyak atas semuanya. Walaupun saya dan kalian akan menghadapi sidang skripsi, tapi bukan berarti ini semua akhir dari kesuksesan, justru momen ini merupakan awal untuk menggapai dan mencari kesuksesan bagi diri kita masing-masing.

Semoga kalian semua sukses di bidangnya masing-masing sesuai dengan kehendak Allah SWT! AMIEN!

Selamat berjuang , Kawan!


Sebagian anak-anak Ilmu Komunikasi, khususnya Jurnalistik 2005, wish u all get a success guys!

Dua foto di atas: hanum, aulia, dan saya. They're all my besties in campus, love both of them!

Foto ketiga ini: sebagian besar anak-anak UKM Wretta Aksa, keep all your work guys!

Himakom periode 2007/2008, K. A. N. G. E. N

note: kawan, doakan saya yaa. Jika tidak ada halangan, hasil penelitian yang ada di dalam skripsi akan diterbitkan (insya Allah) menjadi buku, walaupun saya masih belum tahu kapan tiba waktunya. Hehehe, Mohon doa restunya, semoga apa yang saya cita-citakan dapat diwujudkan oleh Allah SWT! amien!

Thursday, 19 March 2009


1. This is the award..


Thanks for giving me an award, neno!

Here are the rules:

1. Put this award on your blog(s).
2. Put your very or the most aib photo with no editing of course.
3. Give this award to people you know (at least 2)

2. This is one of my "aib" picture with my lovely sister, because, I'm not good enough in that photo, hehe

3. ok, I'm tagging this award to danisha and lanie, selamat mengerjakan yaa semuanya! :)